

1 month, 25 days ago




Read Nausicaa of the valley of the wind!!
(quote tba)

Whimsy is an ever evolving, ever learning, ever wandering tutelary of nature. They spend centeries wandering their land, learning the ins and outs of the earth while they fill the space with life. Their body is a host of spawn; growing vegetation and fungi.

Whimsy's Journey: Where are they?

to be added ^-^ what do YOU think theyre up to?
also HI im seeking art of this OC! if you would be up to drawing them, let me know! show me your comm sheets, or look at my uft characters to swap art for!!!!

History and Mytholoy: Mystery

Mystery is in a rapid state of "aging"! they go through life and death thousands of times. since their heart-stone is the source of their being, as long as the stone survives, they will retain themselves through their "deaths". Because of this fact, their Death is often times considered a resting period, or rebirth. It is a mark of re-growth and life, their body becoming a seedpod for nature! After theyre fully "rested", their heart-stone "births" among the floral oasis their body created and their life cycle begins anew.
their heart stone will mimic the life around it in their initial growth. Often times this means they will look relatively similar to their past body, since the life around them is created from the flora hosted in their past encarnation.
This means most of their specie's evolution is through life, since their limbs can wilt or be lost and regrown without a full death rest. this fact also sometimes causes their regrowth to mutate in unfortunate ways. An example being limb overlapping if their body is funked up durring the wilting period; two tails, three arms, four ears.

Fun Fact

Mystery is part carnivorous plant! they produce sticky sap that traps small insect and absorbs them for nutrients. Mystery is actually kind of bummed about this fact, she prefers absorbing sunlight and decaying plants. sometimes if she noticed a bug in her sap, she will gently pick it out with a leaf \ o/

Fun Fact

her eyes, ears, "fur", tail, are all growing every day! so theyre never really the same. The same can be said for her mold, fungi, lichen, and moss growth! she can be in any stage of "decay", especially depending on the humidity and density and her location. Though, it is not uncommon for them to be pretty "clean".

Fun Fact

their "fur", ears, and tail closely resemble plants but its understood by biologists that they are a bit different then your average flora. theyre thicker, and more resilient, sometimes growing a sort of fuzz on the leaves! Its coften times compared to cartilage, or even a sort of exo-skeleton.

Alias Mystery , Mimsy
Age unknown
Gender nonbinary
Height >5'3
Birthsign cancer

Design Notes

  • Their tail mimics many species of ferns and similar flora.
  • normally has all of her limbs! limb loss usually accompanied by heavy decay(lichen, moss, fungal growth)
  • her ears can be any length / mimic different fern leaves. They can also be different stages of growth
  • lichen and fungi growth can grow anywhere in any ammount, also optional.
  • often "crying" the same sticky substance as her ferns.