


6 years, 17 days ago


From the CAAA:

The markings on her body glow brighter when she feels strong emotion
Gender: genderfluid!
He's a very ancient being
A bit shy or elusive? Gives the cold shoulder sort of treatment a lot
Likes books? Reads books at night with their glow. Maybe a librarian?
Maybe even more than just a librarian? They keep record of the history of the world?
And since they keep a record for the history of the world, people pay them to know information!
Kinda like a doggy  Google
Oooh! Yes! And maybe he demands payment in the form of a story from them? Like..if they're on a quest, they have to come back and tell them how that went. Every detail.
Maybe has books on the history of people and uses the stories to make the books?
What if they have a quest to find a "true hero", and they make people tell stories in order to figure out if they apply or if they're just a passing traveler
The Hero's Quest for a Hero
They get something for being a true hero, too, a blessing or something
Ah yeah! That works! Now the real question is, why are they on this quest to give this true hero a blessing. Perhaps they're simply curious to see what the blessing is
Maybe they feel like the hero was sent on a doomed fool's quest to die and if he doesn't give him a blessing, he's gonna die.