$5 for hq charas!'s Comments

Omggg is the colourful blue one in the gif icon available? I can’t find them anywhere haha, if not do you have their profile so I can at least fav the character? <3 /nf

Hii is this bab available still? :3


hey i’m sorry for the late reply, are ya still interested?

Yes!! May I ask what payment type you take?


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hey! sorry for the delayed response, are u still interested?

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cool! please send the $5usd to @sylviacopaypal

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could i offer $10-15 for both https://toyhou.se/24756281.scribble (if his og offer drops) and https://toyhou.se/15456851.cello ? i can also add a shaded fullbody, and two chibi pixel pagedolls! (and i can add if preferred!) or i can also offer anyone from my adoptables folder!

(btw im so sorry if youve seen me edit this comment like 12 times i got nervous LMFAOOO)

sorry to comment again !! just curious, could i possibly purchase cello for now since they seem to be available/non-pending? :Oc 

hey! sorry for the late reply, if you’re still offering a redesign for cello, i’ll accept! 

i’m also tempted to take the art + usd for scribble so i’ll check in w the person they’re pending to ^_^

all good!! and awesome ! what character would you like me to redesign? :O

anyone here would be great! js lmk which one u wanna do ^_^

also the person scribble is pending to is still interested, but i’ll lyk if they back out

hey!! i js wanted to check in to see if u picked anyone/are still interested?

bumping this once more, i’ll take cello off pending if u don’t reply

im so sorry ive been busy lately!! i dont think ill be able to finish it in time so you can put them off pending if youd like, im very sorry for responding so late

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yep! i’ll dm ya

hello! i love https://toyhou.se/17707966.maxwell, could i possibly snatch him? tysm in advance!

for sure! lemme grab u my paypal

i’m so sorry someone already snagged em!