


1 month, 15 days ago

Basic Info






Trans femme nonbinary (doesn't know at this point)









Short summary.

A person on the run after deserting their division due to all of their group passing away during service, Percy is just trying to erase their past one step at a time. An avid smoker and alcoholic, they spend their time washing away their memories with anything they can get their hands on. They can't be quite called human anymore due to their unique ability to shapeshift, but she's trying her best to stay as such with the form she chose. They jumped onto the train one day to hopefully be taken to a new region to escape the world around them. After a few days of staying on the roof of the train they finally decided to go inside and officially bought a ticket, making them an official passenger. 

Longer summary.

Percy was born and mostly taken care of by their mother when they were 0-10 years old. Their mother immigrating from Brazil/Portugal to the USA to give her kid a better life. As a child, Percy's mom taught them how to play piano and also teaching them the basics of how to paint. All their mother did was be the best she could for them, hoping she'll always be there for them. Though due to a awfully timed illness infecting their mom, she sadly passed away and Percy had to go live with their father, a well known wanted outlaw. From then until they were around 18 and a half, they stayed with their father. Learning everything from how to make homemade dynamite to how to roll their own cigarettes and make their own moonshine. Her dad was not a good influence on them in the slightest and is fully to blame for how they are now. They came out to their dad as wanting to be a girl when they were 16, her dad fully dismissing it and saying how she'll always be his son and that they need to be strong to carry the bloodline. Due to the constant invalidation, Percy saw their chance to leave after seeing an advertisement to join the army and thought this would be the best way to go. Once joining the army they found a friend group that felt more like family to them then anyone else ever had since the passing of their mom. Finally feeling truly happy, Percy was known in the army for being incredibly skilled with grenades and other things of that sort. Taking pride in this, they continued to play the chaotic facade she has brought upon themself. After a few years of being in the army, something happens and one by one all their friends die, leaving them distraught and more alone with each death. After hearing about an explosion accident involving the last two of their friends, Roxy and Artemis, they fear the worse and decide to fully ditch the army and run away without completing their service. From here on forward they have been traveling all over the country, hiding away from any and all soldiers she sees. Currently she's been hopping from train to train hoping to finally escape the living hell they're in. Due to all the army trauma, they cannot deal with the sound of ticking clocks anymore as it reminds them of explosives. Due to this she'll be easily sent into a panic when hearing anything like this. To help with the pain and loss they have delt, they have become a heavy smoker and alcoholic and doesn't see any point in reserving their body anymore. 

Extra notes:

- Isn't able to sleep due to being constantly shapeshifted

-In the dark her eyes glow a vibrant purple constantly.

-Loves to play the piano as well as painting. If they aren't at the bar they are oil painting in one of the storage cars. 

-Its suspected that Percy isn't their actual name but instead a shortened version of a code name. 

-Loves tea a lot, specifically black teas.