


5 years, 9 months ago


Rico is a character thats based on half of my personality. He's a pretty happy go lucky guy but tends to be annoying to his friends after some time cuz loves to talk a lot. In tense situations he's known to be quite unpredictable. Without hesitation he'd take a bullet for a close friend and sacrifice himself to save others. Rico is quite awkward in social situations and when he tries to impress someone he looks up to. What worries him the most is his friends leaving him. He also tends to get himself hurt often. Rico has the ability to shape shift between his human, centaur and feral form. his most natural form is his centaur form. he feels most comfortable that way. his human form and feral form use up a lot of his energy. he can stay in human form for a day at a time at the most while in his feral form he can only withstand up to an hour. His feral form is basically a black jaguar, matching the lower half of his body when in centaur form, but larger. he has the proportions of a jaguar but enlarged. In his feral form he stands at approximately 1,70m tall and 3m long including his tail. He only transforms into his feral form in dire situations. If he overuses his energy he will pass out which isn't something he wants to happen.