psych adopts 1 (3/3)



1 month, 22 days ago
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ok sorry for reupload it did not work right the first time. these r for my ib exam to help me remember the studies👍 gonna try n do 2-3 a day. feel free to ask abt them if ur curious or confused bc itll prob help me remember better

sb $10 paypal. money > art

1. laundry

based on landry and bartling. study on schemas, articulatory suppression, and the phonological loop. participants looked at a sequence of letters, waited 5 seconds, then wrote the letters down. one condition repeated "1, 2" before recall; they performed worse bc of the articulatory suppression, basically disrupted the phonological loop

2. brewer

based on brewer and treyens. study on schemas and reconstructive memory. participants waited in a room where seats had objects on them. then they were taken to another room n either wrote what they remembered n then did a recognition task; drew what they remembered; or did a verbal recognition task. those who drew or wrote remembered more things that fit into their schema of an office. the location of the items also changed bc of this. in the recognition task they were more likely to remember the strange items

3. bartlett

study on schemas, reconstructive memory, and cultural bias. british ppl were told a native American story and either repeated it to tjemself over a long period of time, or repeated it to other ppl. neither group remembered the story significantly differently: they all assimilated it to make details match their culture; made it more concise; n changed the order of events to fit their culture. main themes stayed the same