The Cook and The Librarian



1 month, 27 days ago


The Cook & The Librarian



PronounsShe/Her; Ze/They/He
AgeAdult (both)
SpeciesTiefling; Aasimar
Class? ; Celestial Warlock

"If you're goin' to the kitchen/ Leave the door ajar a crack/ 'Cause I just wanna keep on listenin'/ And I can't wait until you're back" 

 The Cook

A short, curvy tiefling with red skin and white hair with tight curls. She has soft nubby horns and often wears her hair in either one or two buns on top of her head. She often wears yellow and/or neutrals. Usually wearing at least one piece of clothing that has a sun motif. 

Friendly and personable. The face of the Blessing and runs the front end of the house, dealing with customers and serving food. Has a nose for gossip and will give anyone a free drink if they can tell her something she doesn't already know.

The Librarian

A tall, slender aasimar with dark hair cut in a bob. Zer eyes match the color of the sky outside and zer pupils change with the phases of the moon. Ze has no halo or wings but objects tend to conveniently gather behind zem in a way that forms a halo or wing silhouette. They often wear royal blue and dark colors. Usually wearing at least one piece of clothing that has a moon motif. 

Quiet and reserved. Usually hiding in the back of the Blessing; deals with the numbers end of the business. Secretly a huge nerd; will pay a pretty penny to collect old books, journals, and maps from adventurers. 

A child of one of the human nobility in Notion Bay, and one of Elistraee's Children.


The two grew up as close friends in the city of Notion Bay. However, the Librarian found zemself chaffing more and more against the expectations placed on zem due to zer noble heritage, and the Cook found herself bored of the mundanity of her servant job. So, the two decided to run away together. They scraped by a living working odd jobs, and eventually came to own the Blessing, a tavern in an unsuspecting town. 

Wanting to leave behind any connection to their old lives, they eventually adopted the monikers the Cook and the Librarian. Only they know each other's true names. 

They claim they aren't married, but it's impossible to tell if they're lying. The Librarian does wear an awful lot of rings, but maybe they just like the jewelry...?

The Blessing

The Blessing is a small, unsuspecting tavern. The Cook is the face of the operation and does most of the day-to-day dealing with customers. The Librarian hides in the back and crunches the numbers to keep things afloat. 

They operate as a tavern directed towards adventurers passing through, with a billboard advertising jobs nearby. With the Cook's keen ear for gossip, she knows all about strange things happening all over the kingdom of Coalesce. The Librarian has tomes covering all periods of history and is a natural scholar. 

They also offer music nights for up and coming bards, or quiet nights for those with sensory issues.


They are AU versions of my DND characters Arson and Sincerity. 
