

1 month, 21 days ago


**── ・ 。° ☆ Basic Info ☆ ° 。・ ──** — Name: Project S.O.L.V.E.R — Age: unknown — Height: 8'5 — Species: Exorcism Drone (helps exorcise those possessed by Cyn) — Nickname(s): Sol, or Vee — Gender: Female — Sexuality: Bi — Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them — Birthday: unknown — Birthplace: XenoTech Labs — Zodiac: unknown — Nationality: unknown — Status: Alive — Relationship Status: Single — Lore: Sol was made in a lab from a company called XenoTechs, her purpose was to help exorcise those who were possessed by Cyn aka the solver in general, She stayed in the lab for a few days so they could make sure she was working properly and ready to do what she was made for, Sol sees the company as her family but she was sent away early not knowing why or that she probably wouldn't see her family for a long time or ever, as she made it on the planet all she saw was snow she was alone and had nobody but she did see a few interesting drones but she decided to keep herself hidden temporarily but she has seen the solver a few times on a few people so she keeps an eye on them in case it tried taking them as a host **── ・ 。° ☆ Appearance ☆ ° 。・ ──** — Skin Color: white and black — Eye Color: mint green — Hair Color: white — Body: Metal black — Birthmark(s): none — Clothing: She doesn't like wearing many as they make her uncomfortable because of the spikes on her — Accessories: the spikes on her she was made with those at all times — Scar(s): none yet **── ・ 。° ☆ Personality ☆ ° 。・ ──** — MBTI: unknown — Positive Traits: unknown — Neutral Traits: unknown — Negative Traits: unknown — Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Ambivert **── ・ 。° ☆ Family ☆ ° 。・ ──** — Name: Helios — Age: 34 — Birthday: unknown — Gender: Male — Sexuality: pan — Pronouns: He/Him — Occupation: Leader of Project S.O.L.V.E.R, Owns a company called XenoTech — Status: He is a sciantest apart of a different company called XenoTech, as he saw he JCJenson was failing horribly to hold back the solvers issue, he decided to work on a new project to help those who get possessed by Cyn, hoping to resolve the situation until they can find a way to destroy the solver or stop it from getting another host, he of course ends up getting killed as their company gets attacked by unknown drones **── ・ 。° ☆ Extra info ☆ ° 。・ ──** — Likes: flowers(she wants to see a flower someday), Wine(whenever she had chance Helios would let her try it),(T.B.A) — Neutral: Worker Drones, bugs, keybug,(T.B.A) — Dislikes: Cyn(solver),Dissassembly Drones, Murder she sees it's not necessary, (T.B.A) — Favorite Things: (T.B.A) — Friends: T.B.A — Enemies: none yet (just ask if you want to be her enemy) — Frenemies: none yet — Powers: She has the ability to help exorcise those who are possessed by Cyn — Phobias: T.B.A — Hobbies: T.B.A — Extra lore: T.B.A