Bear's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

PerryWinkles-MOVED- Global Rules

As long as credit is given for the original design, the owner is free to sell, trade, or gift as they see fit. They may also freely redesign as desired, be used for commercial use, or used within a Open/Semi/Closed Species. My only request is credit for the original design.

If using a design for commercial use, please tell me upfront! This does not involve any additional fees.

Though the design may be used for commercial use, individual art pieces made by me CANNOT be used in any blockchain-related technologies, services, platforms, or otherwise sold (ie as merchandise) without permission. You must also get my permission before editing any existing art by me! Other art from other commissioners or your own personal art are subject to their own rules that I do not and will not police, it's not my work.

If it is discovered that a client uses my work for blockchain-related practices (for example; NFTs or Cryptocurrency) in any form at any time, the client shall: Have the artwork and design removed from my public art-hosting services; remove the offending material(s) from all blockchain-related technologies, services, platforms; return the entire amount earned from the blockchain-related sales using a government recognized currency; be banned from my services. Failure to comply will result in a DMCA being filed to forcibly remove my artwork with this contract being linked as proof.

I retain the right to use my artwork and designs for portfolios and art examples in advertisements.

Any "Original Species"-related designs follow the same TOS as the (Open, Semi-Open, or Closed) Species in question, and the design may be freely voided without asking me for permission. The exception of this is if the species revokes designs upon an individual being banned. I do NOT allow this for my designs unless it's through the event of the character being achieved through scamming or chargeback. You CANNOT re-possess my designs.

With the exception of "Original Species"-related designs following the (Open, Semi-Open, or Closed) Species TOS, you CANNOT add new sale/trade rules to my designs. You did not make the design, you don't get to dictate what other people do with it.

Designs will NEVER be re-possessed unless in the event of scamming or chargeback.

Ownership of my designs or me conducting business with you does not equate to complete sharing of beliefs or opinions.