Yudo Hoshi



5 years, 9 months ago


"So let me sing. Your very own words out into the world"

Yudo Hoshi is my UTAU character

Name Meaning: Guiding Star

Nickname: Yu-chan (by me and Kosmos (Jay's UTAU))

Age: 18

Birthday: February 6th (the release of her VB)

Height: 5ft 3in

Hair: Long, murky brown and wavy

Eyes: Blue

Voice Type: Low and powerful

Signature Colours: Red and Black

Likes: singing, dancing, helping her friends out, anime, manga, musicals (especially Sera Myu), motorbikes, gummy sweets, apple juice

Dislikes: Bullies, liars, large crowds, horror movies, rain, seafood, flourescent colours

Dream: To help other people gain confidence in their voices

Fears: thunderstorms, being crushed

Personality: Yudo is generally sweet and gentle with an undertone of excitement towards things. Her excitement is highest when the woman is fangirling with her friends. She is very protective of others and will defend those she can no matter what and lend a listening ear after. Yudo is also very passionate and puts everything into each song to help achieve her dream of inspiring confidence in others.