


Name: Tigerlily
Gender: Male
Species: Feline Dryad (can be cat or tiger)
Flower is a Red and Orange Lilly
Royal Adviser to King Rosario
True Neutral

"Its all about ME!"

Tigerlily appears to be a very well kept and put together individual compared to his more troubled half brother. He always looks good, smells of tangy blossoms and greets you with a smile that is SO ready to small talk for hours over the most trivial little things. He enjoys creating and expressing himself in his plant life creations be it bracelets, dresses and of course the 'rather overdone' flower crowns, among many other decor and accessories. Deepdown Tigerlily is very self-obsessed, he chooses to focus on number one. Much of his free time goes into his personal appearance alone. He does not take stress well, when faced with something he is unwilling to handle he just shuts down and drops everything right there. He can be very flippant and mean when he is 'feeling' something he doesn’t want too.

Design Notes

  • Design was obtained 6/1/15 from MacabreOrphanage Was used in the core Fluxverse as 'Cypress' till the 2020 reboot.
  • Tigerlily's form can be as big as a tiger - or small like a house cat
  • Emotional range includes; manically peppy, very excitable and snarky with fits of giggles when gossiping about this and that.
  • Any plant life on Tigerlily can be altered when drawing as they do fall off and regrow at times. Feel free to leave off a couple leaves here and there just as long as he has at least one leaf or flower to not be so plain! The 'bud' on his tail can open up into a bigger version of the flower on his head. It is shown almost always closed to symbolize his deeper emotional repression.


Template Vom
Avatar Image PinkDawnPainter
Backgrounds Unsplash