Bi-Color Sapphire



5 years, 9 months ago


Acquired: $2 Gacha

Bi Color Sapphire is rather unusual. Champagne Diamond, still in need of a new sapphire after what happened to Champagne Sapphire, ordered Bi Color Sapphire's creation. However, with the colony particularly short on supplies, her kindergarten site could not always be properly upkept. Her kindergarten technicians would overcompensate when times were good to make up for the times that were dry, thinking it would all balance out in the end. And while true, she did emerge physically intact, her mind and her power of foresight was not as it should have been. 

Bi Color Sapphire emerged with two eyes rather than one. One eye saw into the past, the other, the future. Furthermore, she was extremely bipolar and had a multiple personality disorder. It appeared as though each personality had control over one eye, and unfortunately for Champagne, the personality seeing into the past appeared dominant. The personality seeing into the future, when it surfaced, was volatile, hard to manage and a bit deranged, presumably from the overwhelming future possibilities it saw. Bi Color Sapphire has no control over which personality surfaces at any given time, and as only the less dominant one had the power to see into the future, her use to Champagne Diamond was sporadic at best. Eventually Champagne gave up trying to time or control her multiple personalities, chalking her up to a failed Sapphire and ordering the creation of a new one. With that, Bi Color Sapphire was free to live out her life within Champagne's Colony, and naturally settled in among the rich and wealthy.