Jered Hawkins



1 month, 10 days ago


Jered Michael Hawkins is the Engineering genius of a close knit military unit. He's a child genius, having built his motorcycle from the ground up at fourteen which helped him get into an advanced military funded program for exceptional kids, and eventually did enlist. He has continued to ride and maintain his bike through his military career; naming her Em. Hawkins has a big family with five older siblings, and four younger. All of them are half siblings and don't share the same last name with him as he was the result of an affair. He does have one older half sibling on his father's side so all together he is one of 11 total between his bio parents.

Hawkins was seriously injured during a raid on a Ravenwood camp in a trainyard when he managed to start, but couldn't stop a train on a maintenence track and it derailed. His left knee was permanently screwed and if it wasn't for Connor stepping in and saying he wanted him for his crew, Hawkins would have been medically discharged. He's a Workaholic, and doesn't have his own place. When not on the road with the crew he's usually in the garage on base tinkering or working on one thing or another.

Delta team consists of: Connor Westbrook(Commander), Kable Donaho(Second in Command), Marion Bell(Communications), Elijah Fryer(Driver/Navigator), Chris Johnson(Medic), Sabbio Leland(Weapons Specialist), Gerrett Smith(Rookie) Shade, a 3 legged bomb detection dog, and the newest edition being a Cat named General Harley that Connor assigned Hawkins in hopes of getting the man off his broken, Workaholic schedule.

Hawkins is 25, and was born December 23rd at 3:15am

Hawkins Faceclaim is Drew Roy