Beck Ranidae



1 month, 4 days ago


Beck Ranidae, known to his party members as Bo, is a gnome rogue 26 years of age.

Beck lived most of his life peacefully within a forest community of gnomes, his extended family. Leaving the community to neighboring towns only when the usually self sufficient group became low on supplies, or sometimes just for the fun of adventure, Beck found little need to learn much about life outside of the forest. He was happy there, tending to his ever growing frog farm within the forest's single water source - a small river that ran perpendicular to the border of the village. All frogs were treated equally, but one in particular he grew very close to: his good friend Hopscotch. As a gnome, Beck is able to speak to small animals, which includes his beloved frogs. Beck has two mushrooms atop his head, growing directly from his scalp. The mushrooms themselves are mildly toxic to consume and damaging them hurts Beck, so it's best to just leave them be. They will grow back if damaged, however.

All within the forest, it seemed, was well. That is, until a group of humans created a settlement upstream from the gnomes and built a dam that dried up their river completely, leaving them without water and Beck without a space to care for his frogs. Distraught, the gnomes sent a representative - Beck's father - to speak to the human settlement. They agreed to build a new dam elsewhere... for a steep fee. The gnomes, with no real need for currency, could never dream of getting enough gold to fulfill the humans' wishes. Their only option would be to move, to leave their forest. 

But Beck would not let their community abandon their home quite so easily. Venturing into town in search of a means to earn coin, he came across a group of recruiters. Army recruiters, looking for brave adventurers to join the forces on the Island of Asora. The sign on bonus alone was nearly half of what the humans demanded from them. Though Beck thought himself a pacifist, this was possibly their only shot to keep their home land. So... he agreed. Running home to pack his things, Beck told his family he would be going off on an adventure to conjure up the funds they required, careful not to mention exactly what he was going away for. He couldn't tell them, they would never approve, and he signed up under a false name, Bo, a nickname his father always called him growing up. With his goodbyes said and Hopscotch cleverly hidden within his pockets, Beck left, tearful and frightened for his future.

Beck was made for a homebrew DND campaign based heavily off of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Stand - Dolittle


Active Ability: Adapt the aspects of an animal the user has been in physical contact with since acquiring the stand. The animal may be alive or dead, including materials made from animal products.

Passive Ability: Speak all animal and monster languages. Anyone within a 2 meter radius of Dolittle can also understand monster languages (but not animal languages).