Basic Info

Full name

Lyran Nathaniel Chevrotain

Nicknames in order of preferance

Prince Nat, Lyle, Doornat, Bunnyboy




Snobbish, Holier-than-thou, Over dramatic, Stubborn, Wimpy, Superiority complex, God complex


design notes-

has no nipples on his human half. they're all on the horse part

hair has a silky texture and a shiny sheen

has pointy 'claws' on the tip of his fingers instead of nails. 

don't forget those elven ears!

hooves are like a combo of horse/deer hooves

slender human body but kinda chunky in his horse half

dont forget that one stray hair!

small nose

eyes have faint red circles around the pupils when seen up close, as well as a reddish-tint. from afar, his eyes should look bright and sparkly

Character notes -

Was prophesized long ago to come, but the true meaning of it was lost to the passage of time. All everyone knows is that there will be a white stallion with Royal hooves who will hold power over all in the land.

Royalty are seen as gods, so it went a bit to the young prince's head. This, combined with the fact that he has an entire PROPHESY about him, leads to a quite chaotic superiority/god complex.

Has the ability to manipulate people's beliefs. He uses this to keep himself in power, and also drive out enemies. Strangely enough, a few people seem immune to this. These people are 'mysteriously' killed once this is discovered. (Not saying it was him, but yeah it was his doing.)

Very manipulative, acts nice but is actually using his power to force you to trust everything he says and does. Even if it isn't a good thing, you will believe wholeheartidly that it is.

Has hemophelia due to his "Pure Royal" ancestory.

Likes to go shirtless in public, as that's seen as a sign of the upper-class.

Has a habit of scraping out what's under his nails with his teeth. (Don't do that, Nat. That's disgusting.)

Respects his elders a lot and actually feels a little guilty when manipulating them