Mai Kuraikangae



4 months, 15 days ago


Name: Mai Kuraikangae

Hero Name: Shadeblade

Age: 16

Affiliations: U.A. High School

Quirk: Shadow Person

What the quirk does: Grants the user attributes and abilities of a shadow person. Darkness manipulation, ghost-like powers, fear-inducement, paralysis-inducement, and varying supernatural powers, more specifically for the user, the ability to possess others' shadows and merge into dark areas. The user is weak in light and to light-based powers. Though the user is more powerful in completely dark areas, they can easily lose control of themselves, as the amount of power they have would get to their head. Overuse on their abilities can exhaust the user and they may faint if overexerted.

Personality: Mai is a complex mix of introversion and intensity. While she may seem reserved at first glance, she possesses a fierce determination and a sharp wit. She values her solitude and often finds solace in the shadows, but when duty calls, she becomes focused and unyielding in her pursuit of justice. Despite her somewhat aloof demeanor, she cares deeply for her friends and is fiercely loyal to those she trusts. Mai has a dry sense of humor and a penchant for sarcasm, which she uses to lighten tense situations. She can be stubborn and independent to a fault, but underneath her tough exterior lies a compassionate soul.


  • Mai's stubbornness and independence can sometimes lead to her refusing help or collaboration, even when it's necessary for success.
  • She struggles with trusting others fully, often keeping people at arm's length due to fear of betrayal or disappointment.
  • Mai's fear of losing control of her powers can cause her to hesitate in critical moments, potentially putting herself and others in danger.
  • She has a tendency to overthink situations, which can lead to indecision or paralysis when faced with difficult choices.


  • Stealth and Infiltration: Mai's ability to manipulate shadows allows her to move undetected through various environments, making her an excellent spy or scout.
  • Strategic Thinking: She possesses keen analytical skills and can quickly assess situations to formulate effective plans of action, often utilizing her quirk in creative ways to outmaneuver opponents.
  • Versatility: Mai's quirk grants her a wide range of abilities, from inducing fear and paralysis to possessing shadows and merging into dark areas, making her adaptable to different combat scenarios.
  • Resourcefulness: She excels at improvising solutions on the fly, using her surroundings and quirk to her advantage in challenging situations.
  • Empathy: Despite her guarded nature, Mai genuinely cares about others' well-being and can connect with people on an emotional level, fostering trust and cooperation.
  • Dependency on Darkness: Mai's powers are significantly weakened in well-lit environments, making her vulnerable to opponents who can manipulate light or create bright conditions.
  • Loss of Control: When exposed to complete darkness, Mai risks losing control of her abilities and becoming overwhelmed by her own power, potentially endangering herself and others.
  • Stubbornness: Her reluctance to ask for help or accept assistance can hinder teamwork and cooperation, especially in high-stakes situations where collaboration is essential.
  • Limited Range: While she can manipulate shadows within her vicinity, Mai's quirk becomes less effective over longer distances, requiring her to remain relatively close to her targets.
  • Emotional Vulnerability: Mai's fear of rejection and abandonment can be exploited by adversaries who seek to undermine her confidence or manipulate her emotions, potentially clouding her judgment in critical moments.


  • Loss of Control: Mai's greatest fear is losing control of her powers and causing harm to those around her. The thought of inadvertently hurting others, especially her friends and loved ones, fills her with dread and uncertainty.
  • Abandonment: She fears being abandoned or rejected by those she cares about, stemming from a deep-seated fear of loneliness and isolation. The idea of being left behind or forgotten terrifies her, driving her to cling tightly to the relationships she values.
  • Betrayal: Mai is wary of placing her trust in others, fearing betrayal or deceit from those she considers friends or allies. The thought of being deceived or manipulated by someone she trusts shakes her confidence and makes her question the authenticity of her connections.
  • Inadequacy: Despite her outward confidence, Mai harbors a fear of inadequacy and failure. She worries that she won't be able to live up to the expectations placed upon her as a hero, doubting her own abilities and worthiness.
  • Isolation: While she values her solitude, Mai also fears becoming too disconnected from the world around her. The prospect of being completely alone, without anyone to turn to for support or companionship, fills her with a sense of existential dread.


  • Validation: Mai longs to prove herself as a capable hero despite the challenges posed by her quirk, seeking recognition and respect from both her peers and society at large.
  • Acceptance: She yearns for acceptance and understanding from those around her, hoping to find a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the hero community.
  • Purpose: Mai seeks to make a meaningful difference in the world, using her unique abilities to protect others and inspire hope in those who feel marginalized or misunderstood.
  • Self-Discovery: She is on a journey of self-discovery, striving to uncover her true potential and identity as both a hero and an individual.
  • Legacy: Mai wants to leave a lasting impact on the world, leaving behind a legacy of bravery, compassion, and resilience that will inspire future generations of heroes.


  • Solitude in serene, dimly lit environments where she can relax and recharge.
  • Mystery novels and horror movies, particularly ones with intricate plots and atmospheric settings.
  • Rainy days and cloudy weather, as they provide natural cover for her shadow-based abilities.
  • Deep conversations with trusted friends, where she can explore complex ideas and emotions without fear of judgment.


  • Overly bright or crowded environments that make her feel exposed and vulnerable.
  • Being underestimated or patronized because of her small stature or unique quirk.
  • Loud noises or sudden disruptions that disrupt her concentration or peace of mind.
  • Feeling pressured to conform to societal expectations or norms, preferring to carve her own path instead.

Backstory: Mai discovered her quirk at a young age when she accidentally frightened her classmates by making shadows dance on the walls. Despite her initial fear of her own abilities, she eventually learned to control them with the help of her parents and a supportive mentor. Determined to use her powers for good, she applied to U.A. High School to receive professional hero training.

Why do they want to be a hero?: Mai wants to be a hero to protect others and prove that even those with unconventional quirks can make a difference. She believes that everyone deserves to feel safe and hopes to inspire others to embrace their uniqueness.

Their view on All Might: Mai admires All Might for his unwavering dedication to justice and his ability to inspire hope in others. She sees him as a symbol of strength and courage, someone to aspire to emulate in her own hero journey.

Height: 4'10" (147 cm)

Fun Facts:

  • Mai has a pet black cat named Shadow, whom she affectionately refers to as her "familiar."
  • Despite her small stature, Mai is surprisingly agile and adept at evading capture.
  • She has a collection of antique lanterns and candles in her room, which she uses to create cozy, shadowy atmospheres when studying or relaxing.
  • Mai has a talent for playing the violin, finding comfort and expression in the haunting melodies she creates.
  • She collects antique daggers and knives, fascinated by their craftsmanship and history.
  • Despite her preference for shadows, Mai has a soft spot for bioluminescent creatures like fireflies and glowworms, finding their gentle glow mesmerizing.
  • She enjoys experimenting with different shadow puppet designs, using her quirk to bring them to life in intricate displays.
  • Mai has a secret sweet tooth and indulges in hidden snacks when she thinks no one is watching, especially chocolate and caramel treats.

Power: C

Speed: B

Technique: A

Intelligence: B

Cooperativeness: B