Silvertear's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

LatticedDreams Global Rules

You may redesign my designs as you like, just please make sure they are even slightly recognizable. 

Do not watermark art I have made for the oc with anything but the TH watermark.

You may trade my designs to people I am not on good terms with, but if we are on bad terms do not even think about asking me directly, have someone else get them for you.

I don't mind selling and/or reselling of my designs, just please add art if you do so. And if you retrade them for a higher value than what you got them as, please add art.

Please do not detransition any designs I give you that are trans! You may change around their gender, like a trans man may become a trans woman, but do not make them cis!