


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Timber x Direwolf


2'3" at 80lbs


Short, small, with thin fluffy fur. A bit mangled from years of tough living all alone, getting better now she's part of a pack. Got a scar across the left side of her face, taking her left eye. Her tail is half gone due to childhood trauma.


A creative intellectual who has a weird desire for things being in order, organized, and predictable, yet aspires for the unknown. She's willing to work to make things work out for the best, but isn't exactly in-your-face aggressive about accomplishing what she needs. As a young girl, she grew up with dreams of living a thrilling life in some exotic world like, doted upon by suitors of all kinds. Turns out she's ended up with a rather mundane lifestyle - is begrudgingly comfortable with it. Doesn't really hide the fact she still dreams of grandeur, perhaps she needs a push of some kind in the right direction. She REALLY loves learning. As in, while she enjoys doing nothing sometimes, she ultimately needs to be doing more, learning more, and harnessing new skills. Stumbled upon Alteron during one of its interim phases, likely a bit confused with the then and current changes. doesn't like broadcasting her confusion, so she'll mask it with confidence. A selective perfectionist; zones in on a few fields of study or hobbies and really drives to succeed. She takes great pride in it, would definitely flourish under acknowledgement and appreciation. Intuitive, empathetic, but with a strong drive for logic. These three seem to be in constant battle. Definitely a softie trying to be a badie