
1 month, 18 days ago


THERE WAS SO MANY ENTRIES FOR HIM I GOT KINDA NERVOUS...BUT I WON HIM YAYAYA :33!!! same thing with ronin copying and pasting already written info cuz..lazy.. (might change name?)

17, male, pan, probably like.. 5'3 šŸ˜­

Cute sounding voice probably

Younger (and more successful-) brother of Zach , parents favor him over Zach by a landslide

He's a really popular Idol/streamer!Ā 

Ignoring his cute appearance, hes quite bossy and rude, cries a lot, though he appears nice to his fans

Goes to the same school as previously stated, he gets terrible grades but bribes the teachers to make them betterĀ 

Sensitive to humiliation and hates being looked down onĀ 

He reads romance manga when hes alone and if anyone were to find this out he would like. explode.Ā 

Has probably doxxed someone before with very much true evidence but his fans would not believe someone as cute as him would do that so they just ignore it and cancel the person who tried to call him outĀ