Jesse B Light



1 month, 3 days ago


Jesse Light is a tall man with piercing yellow eyes and medium length pitch black hair! He often wears dark ripped jeans and a dark hoodie that is one size too big for him. He has a rather intimidating presence and seems to always have a serious expression. He is 5’9 with a skinny build. Jesse is 23 years old, and is trans FTM! 

In terms of personality, Jesse is quite the prickly person! He is often described as aloof and blunt, not someone who is easy to get along with! At least, not at first. Jesse has an icy cold exterior upon first meeting him, but once you’ve melted through the ice you’ll find a loyal friend who’d fight an entire army for you… quite literally!
Specializing in lightning magic, Jesse is quite the electrifying presence, both literally and figuratively! Jesse is skilled in all things combat, being raised from a young age to be a fighter. Quick to jump into things without thinking, his impulsive nature has led to him getting badly injured on more than one occasion. Jesse is, by all means, a lone wolf. Having been raised to believe he isn’t allowed to fail or be weak, Jesse often denies himself the right to cry and isolates himself from everyone, even those he cares about most. He is prone to lashing out and is very snappy, especially in the mornings before he’s had his coffee. Overall an irritable person who refuses to cry, believing crying is just showing weakness. Jesse often refuses to ask for help even if the task at hand is impossible for him to do alone. Because of this, he ends up getting hurt either physically or mentally. he beats himself up over all his mistakes, and when he can’t find something to criticize himself for, he’ll dig up past mistakes and beat himself up over them instead. Despite these intense struggles, not many people actually know Jesse has these challenges in his daily life, because he always makes it a point to keep his distance and not talk about himself much. 

The only ones Jesse is ever truly kind to is his twin sister, Aurora, and his adopted son, Garret! It’s important to note that Lukas, Aurora’s husband, is not on the list of people he is nice to! Jesse is actually quite harsh on the prince who fell for his sister, often trying to scare him away and picking fights or arguments with him. Lukas and Jesse are, in a weird way, a rivalry. Jesse is highly protective of his sister, Aurora, and often picks fights with anyone who upsets her. Aurora and Jesse are inseparable, but deep down Jesse fears that isn’t true. Jesse is harsh on Lukas because he fears that Lukas will take his sister away from him, and that he’ll be left behind and forgotten by his only remaining family. Because of this, Jesse reacts and behaves the only way he knows to: by lashing out. Having never truly learned how to handle his emotions, Jesse is very quick to anger, and once you’ve gotten on his bad side you can expect to stay there for a while. He can and will hold grudges, and he’s not one who forgives easily. He’s brutally honest and not afraid to say hurtful things. Furthermore, Jesse isn’t one to trust easily. It takes time for him to open up to people, and even when he does trust someone, even then he doesn’t open up fully. Jesse fully believes that trust is earned, not given. 

Additionally, Jesse is a bit of a carnivore, preferring any kind of food that involves some kind of meat. His favorite food happens to be steak! He hates the color green, because it makes him think of vegetables, and he isn’t the biggest fan of vegetables! His favorite color is yellow, and his favorite hobby is using his magic to mess with the weather. 

Jesse, thanks to his powerful magical abilities, can influence the weather! He isn’t called the god of the weather for no reason, after all! However, he isn’t super skilled at controlling this power. It’s said that if you ever make him angry and storm clouds start rolling in, it’s already too late to apologize… 

Jesse is one of three main characters in Fire, Ice, and Lightning! Born from Spirit and Valaires, one a god and the other an elemental, Jesse was born with incredibly powerful magic, and is often referred to as a mortal god, since, while he is a mortal human, he possesses godlike abilities! 

Jesse is capable of being nice, but he either doesn’t want to be, or has convinced himself that kindness is weakness. His backstory is mostly shrouded in mystery, but he was raised by his father Valaires, who was verbally abusive towards him. Jesse rarely ever talks about it, and when asked, will react harshly. 

Jesse is known for cursing a lot! He has no filter and refuses to have one. Despite all the harsher parts of his personality, Jesse is a good person who, despite keeping his distance, genuinely cares for those he loves. And while he will never ever admit it, he cares about Lukas too, and will show this by jumping in to defend the prince in arguments, stating he’s the only one allowed to criticize Lukas. At the end of the day, Jesse keeps his distance for one major reason: his fear of being betrayed.
Jesse believes the only other person in the world he can trust is his sister, and even then he doubts that sometimes! His fear of being betrayed leads him to isolate himself from the rest of the world. After all, you can’t be betrayed if you never let anyone get close enough to begin with, right? 

Once you’ve managed to make it past all his steel walls, you’ll find that Jesse is actually quite friendly when he wants to be. He can be playful and fun, an adventurous spirit eager for any rush of adrenaline he can get. He’s quite the daredevil and isn’t afraid to show that off to his close friends. He’s confident in himself and he’s not afraid to speak out against wrongdoings. He works as a bounty hunter who hunts down the most dangerous wanted criminals. Jesse is described as being a good dad by his adopted kid, Garret. Having grown up in an unhealthy and negative environment, Jesse knows all too well how big of an impact a parent’s actions can have on a child. Because of this, Jesse does his best to be the best adoptive father he can be. He does everything in his power to ensure he doesn’t follow in his father’s footsteps. 

All in all, Jesse is a deeply troubled person who wishes he could trust and lean on others, but is too afraid of being seen as weak to allow himself to be vulnerable around anyone other than his own reflection… he is a loyal friend to all who manage to break through his icy exterior, and is a stubborn and arrogant person who is often unwilling to change.