



"The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail." — Nelson Mandela


Telltale's "The Walking Dead" Self Insert

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f (she/they)







role / job


Dee is overall a bubbly person. She likes to see the good in everything that comes along their way. Though at times, she can get irritated pretty easily. She tries not to let it get the best of them. She is a huge musical theatre nerd and loves to hum a tune wherever she goes. Dee is extremely claustrophobic, so she will avoid tight spaces at all costs! Additionally, they are quite the perfectionist. They won't stop until it is just right in her eyes. From time to time, Dee appreciates her alone time, but she values the moments where she gets to spend time with those close to them. Dee has little knowledge on French and Sign Language; they only recall a few words. She often calls walkers 'dead fucks' because they find humor in the nickname.

Combat + Powers








Power description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


Power description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.


I. Backstory

Dee was born and raised in Virginia before the outbreak and hasn't left the east coast, even during the apocalypse. Her family's deaths are unknown at the moment. Dee found herself alone not long after the beginning of the outbreak, realizing that they had to grow up fast in order to survive what was to come. This causes Dee to lose her sense of innocence and starting act more like an adult than a child. One day when she was out scavenging, she runs into another survivor: some girl named Katie. She happened to live near where Dee and her family used to live, before the world went to hell. At first, Dee seemed hesitant to be near a complete stranger, but something about Katie made her drop their guard. The two share a little about themselves as they search the area for any useful supplies. They find out that they both have family in Maryland, and are unsure whether they are alive or not. They settle for a truce and decide to travel together to their families.

II. Backstory (Cont.)

Dee and Katie travel on foot for about a year, having no luck in Maryland and deciding it'd be better to just keep moving. They are traveling along a river that led them into West Virginia. It was a good source for food thanks to the fish, but they were struggling to manage their supplies. They needed medicine, fast. One day, when along the river and attempting to get a catch for the day, Dee hears a snap of a twig from afar. Their hand is immediately reaching for their silencer. Abandoning her fishing duties, Dee wanders close to where she heard the noise. She is surprised to find a couple kids along the river nearby, unaware that Dee and Katie were nearby. Two girls, one with blonde hair and the other with auburn. They seemed to be around their ages, too. It wasn't long before the two girls noticed Dee, and suddenly the blonde had a meat cleaver aimed at the brunette. Katie, hearing commotion, runs over to see her friend arguing with two strangers. Heated words are tossed between the two groups before the auburn and Katie are able to calm down their friends. Eventually, they are welcomed back to the girls' home: a boarding school in the middle of the woods, secured well with stone walls surrounding it. At first, Dee felt it was too good to be true, that everything would go to shit within a few days of staying, but soon enough they were able to let her shoulders relax. For the first time in a long time... she was able to call some place home.


Relationship description.

Relationship description.

code by Leporidebug