Queen Blackbear



27 days, 2 hours ago



Name: Blackbear

Gender: female

Sex: lesbian

Age: 13 scavenger years

Height: 36’2”ft

Body build: slight muscle mass, more big boned and heavy weighted

Personality: quiet voiced but stubborn. She tries to see the best in others despite being more pessimistic than optimistic. Easily annoyed and can have a small temper when it comes to arguing citizens and difficult decisions.


Unknown parents

Sisters: Sloth, Kermode

Brother: Kodiak

Girlfriend: Spice (mud/leaf)

No known heirs


  • Ex-Queen Nekrós of the Mudwings (deceased): not well known, but have interacted a few times before her death.
  • Queen Callista of the Sandwings: not close, more of an acquaintance. Finds her annoying and a drama queen. (No pun intended)
  • Queen Hurricane of the Seawings: doesn't know her personally, but respects her reign and does find her quite beautiful for a Seawing.
  • Queen Dove of the Skywings: a good friend actually, considers her like one of her siblings and keeps Dove’s personal secret safe.
  • Queen Anaconda of the Rainwings: another acquaintance, although respects her out of a sense of uneasiness due to her resemblance to the ancient Rainwing Queen from Darkstalker times.
  • King Kronerein of the Icewings: a close friend, respects him out of pity and often finds herself being his vent beacon.
  • Queen MagmaDweller of the Nightwings: never met her personally, hears rumors of her being one of more feared of the Nightwing royal lineage.
  • Queen Chimera of the Silkwings: doesn't know her personally, but admires her beauty.
  • King Ophiocordy of the Hivewings (deceased??): honestly he terrifies her.
  • Queen Sakura of the Leafwings: very close friend along with Dove, cares for her like a sibling and enjoys having tea with her.


Blackbear was born into a modest MudWing family, with no claim to any royal lineage. She grew up in the outskirts of the Kingdom, where she lived a simple life full of hard work and close-knit community. Despite her lack of noble blood, Blackbear was known for her strength and loyalty among her fellow dragons.

When tragedy struck the kingdom and the former Queen fell in battle against an enemy force, the council turned to Blackbear as their new leader. Even though many doubted her ability to rule without being part of the royal family, she proved herself through courage and wisdom. As Queen, Blackbear worked tirelessly to rebuild what was lost and bring unity back to her people.

Under her reign, Blackbear brought prosperity back to the Kingdom while also forging alliances with neighboring tribes for mutual protection. Her humble beginnings gave her a unique perspective on rulership, one that prioritized compassion and understanding above all else. Through it all, she never wavered in putting her subjects' needs above her own ambitions—leading with a heart that guarded both fierce loyalty and unwavering determination until peace finally reigned throughout all lands under Mudwing domain.