


27 days, 19 hours ago


Mạnh Duy Đường
Married to the Music
Will Jay

01 — Profile (doc ver)

Name Mạnh Duy Đường
Nicknames Mate (Pip lol)
Age 22
Pronouns he/him
Height 5'7"ft | 171cm
Weight 123lbs | 56kg
Birthdate December 23rd
Race Asian
Orientation. Demisexual
Profession Designer

Status My OC
Designer snow--drop
  • Fashion Board (Link)

  • Wavy hair

  • His general face shape is like, pointy. Pointy nose, sharp eyes.

  • Has vitiligo

  • Wears pink eye contacts - natural color is brown

  • Hair is dyed - natural color black

  • He likes to wear makeup and cute accessories. You will see various pins and clips on his hair

  • He has like none muscle. He is scrawny, and has long bony fingers

  • Underweight

02 — Personality

Like all humans, Duong is quite the complex character; however, you could say he is moreso compared to others.

On the surface, Duong displays a flamboyant, charismatic personality, often a vibrant soul in an otherwise dimly-lit room. He has a lot to say, and he is not afraid to say it. It seems as if there is no shame within his body. He is easy to entertain, and hard to make flustered.

Not to mention, he is loud and dramatic. He loves to put on theatrics, viewing the people around him as his audience that he must impress. He is lively, a good listener, and is skilled in making connections. It is unsurprising for him to ‘have a guy’ for whatever situation he needs to complete. He has a knack to create and find resources for his own needs and projects.

So a loud, annoying, resourceful, charismatic soul on the surface is the shape of Duong, a scarf tightly pulled around his neck. If you unravel the scarf, however, you will see a completely different man.

…Which, you will not see. You will never see him in his truest form, unless you are, like, four select people– and you are not. So you will never see it.

To the general public, to his employers, to even to his close friends and family, he is an actor for all to behold. He will manipulate conversations to his favor, relating to words he finds no relatability in. He is a master at masking his true intentions; you will find it difficult to see how he genuinely feels, but he will find it easy to see how you feel. He has an obsessive perceptiveness in regards to the world around him, often analyzing others if he is not working.

He also holds minimal empathy towards others, rather uncaring of most people’s circumstances, and views the world with rot growing in the corners of his bones. Rather than a vibrant soul, he is a watered down, bitter human being. You could even say he is anti-social, holding a moderate hatred towards most people.

The many masks he owns comes from the unpleasant experiences he has endured within his lifetime. Despite being, to his core, an apathetic loser, he has gained monumental friendship and love that have saved him from dire circumstances. So like if that didn’t happen to him, he’d be in like a horror movie instead. LOLLLL.

  • Accessories

  • Nail polish

  • Pleated skirts

  • Makeup

  • Video games

  • Crying in public or in front of people

  • Being vulnerable

  • Exercising

  • Baggy pants

  • Not having his phone close to him

03 — Background


  • Born to an upper class family in the UK.
  • Was homeschooled for a large portion of his life. He lived comfortably, and could do most whatever he wanted due to having wealthy parents. However, he holds a grudge against them for stopping him from experiencing normal school life
  • They were also never around, they would hire nannies/babysitters/whatever to take care of him and he was more attached to them than his parents.
  • His outlet for his negative emotions was art - he quickly developed skill and interest in fashion design.
  • Eventually, his parents finally allowed him to attend school, and he specifically began going to a public middle school.
  • His experience was extremely poor. He often got bullied for a variety of things, and his experiences in middle school shaped his personality in what it is today. He manufactured an entirely fake personality as his shield, in order for people to either like him more or feel intimidated by him.
  • However, this tires him. So he gives up on public school, going back to homeschooling after around 2-3 years.
  • He and his parents move to Japan for work related reasons, and he begins to flourish within his designing career. The fashion world was rather impressed by his skill and visions as a teenager, and he began getting work at a young age.
  • And then, he starts attending SIA as a student in their designer course, no thanks to the odd acquaintance he made, Miriama. Who is now, his platonic soulmate. lol.


  • He and Miriama developed an intense friendship during his time attending SIA, and he made some close friends, too, like Kazue and Mio.
  • Duong also met his future boyfriend in SIA, Pip. He was in extreme denial despite his boundary breaking ways, highly critical of himself for even entertaining the thought of being romantically attracted to a boy. So he kept those thoughts hidden, until some Events Occurred and they were no longer hidden.
  • In fact, the general public were also aware of his feelings for Pip, as a video leaked of them kissing, among some other awful bullshit that painted him and his friends in a poor light.
  • He went into hiding and stopped going to school for around 3 months, ridden with guilt and fear, unable to confront himself or his friends. It was a dark time for him, and he’d rather never recall it in the present day.
  • With back and forth texting from Miriama, he eventually emerged from his cave and took attendance for a field trip. Guess what he and Pip were.
  • And They were roommates. Oh My God They Were Roommates.
  • They sorted out their shit and entered a relationship, and Duong’s remaining time at SIA was pretty pleasant. It was the first time in his entire life he did not feel he had to be cautious of the world around him.


  • After graduation, he kept busy with his brand, getting amazing opportunities to show off his designs. He often does runway events, and is known to have models that break the mold.
  • Not to mention, his relationship with Pip remains strong. They are good communicators; Pip is the only person who will truly witness his true self.
  • That being said, he is riddled with various health issues that he has had since his teenage years. Insomnia and stomach problems often leave him in both mental and physical pain.
  • Recently, he has moved out of his parent’s mansion in Kamakura, and moved into a smaller house with Pip. His Butler/PR Manager/Bodyguard/etcetc also no longer lives with him, so he is slowly adjusting to that change as well.
  • In regards to Nova Rhythm… well, he’s always been signed to them.
  • So.
  • :3.


  • Serendipity is a brand that highlights the ‘happy accidents’ in life, much like the meaning of its name. The wearer is made to feel like they are royalty: like a deity from above. Pearls, jewels, ribbons, and extravagant garments are incorporated into this fashion-line. The most notable thing about Serendipity is that the designer’s signature is a ribbon or bow somewhere within the outfit, and he strictly disallows it to be removed. It is a show of honor and respect if he disregards his signature within a coord made for specific people.

  • You can find Serendipity coords here.

  • You can sign up as a model here!


  • Notable Work: Duong has been invited to various runway events throughout the world to show off his various clothing collections. He is a successful designer, basically. lol

  • Profession: Designer


  • Fluent in English and Vietnamese.

    • If you were to give his Japanese proficiency a percentage, it’d be around 60%. He is a bit better at writing comprehension than he is speaking.
    • He also knows a good amount of Korean, for Reasons that are Mildly Petty.
  • May or May Not give you a funny nickname. Sorry.

    • Like, Pippington. And Pippy. And Pipis. and-
  • Has realized in recent years he only experiences romantic and sexual attraction to Pip and Pip only. Now he is Demisexual.

  • Can play a tiny bit of piano.

  • Cannot sing. Tone-deaf. Ouch my ears.

  • Are you shocked to know he has a British accent? Well. He does. Be shocked

  • He struggles with stomach issues. IBS king, if you will.

    • Due to this, the food he can eat is restricted. He sticks to liquids and fruits, for the most part.
    • And Pip’s Eggs.
05 — Relationships


Duong met Miri through a coord design commission her manager set up. He was unconvinced of her potential as an idol, so he only agreed to design her a coord if she proved herself to him.

It became very obvious that she did not have to, for her unique quirks, thoughts, and mannerisms endeared him to her completely and utterly in a matter of months.

He had never met anyone like her before, and her way of speaking, and the way she treated him changed him for the better. Without her, Duong would be a much more miserable person.

His charismatic, vibrant personality is something fake and manufactured, but it is completely natural with her. He loves her deeply, and is the first person he has said 'I love you' to.


Yeah he's OK I guess.

(Duong has a vaguely unhealthy attachment to Pip, but it's not bad enough that it'd be an issue. Duong usually does not need to be around others to live his life, but he is certainly happier with Pip in his.)

Pip is the only person Duong will show his 'off-off' self to; a self where the 'off' mode isn't even a concept. He can let his masks fade away completely around him and act how he wants without obsessing over any reaction he may get.

He has finally said 'I love you' to him, as well. It was a difficult thing for him to say and express, and it was reallyreallyreally humiliating. But he is content with him, either way.

They've made great developments in their relationship as of late. What developments, you may ask. Well. Lol.

Best Friends

Initially, Duong did not have much attachment nor fondness for Kazue, finding her personality to be stiff and pitiful. He was not incredibly understanding of her difficult life, and was actually uninterested in learning about her at all.

However, as time went by, the two grew close. He slowly let his walls down through texting her, of all things. He now has a better perspective on her and while he still think she's a pitiful person, he has some vague sense of respect for her.

He offered his home to her when her family cut her off; and she finally saw his true self, as he can not turn his persona on when in his home. She also saw glimpses of his 'off-off' self when Pip was also home. Very jarring things lol. Now, they are under the same company. Cool stuff.