Wolfgang "Wolfy" DuPlessis



27 days, 2 hours ago



Wolfgang "Wolfy"
King of the Anima Kingdom

─ ✧《 Wolfgang "Wolfy" DuPlessis 》✧ ─

81622259_6LMr29tshw3mbwp.pngEgotistical heir to the Anima Kingdom's crown, there is only room in this town for one self-centered egomaniac when he is around, and that is none other than Wolfgang.

While his kingdom was created in the image of Anima, the spiritual god of connectance and control, Wolfy inherited the throne much sooner than anyone could have known when his father didn't come back from the great war with the Kingdom of Ludis. Thus, Wolfgang was sprung into fulfilling the role of king while just a mere sprout. Due to his age, he was not fit to rule without a king's hand, so, the long-standing cleric was elected his advisor and became hand to the new king of Anima. Wolfgang had to learn to steel his nerves or else he wouldn't survive the fake nature of all those he faced in the royal courts. When his father had been alive, he'd done well keeping the young sprout guarded from the worst of the aristocrats, but now that he was on his own, he had to witness first hand how callous, two-faced and manipulative the royal court could be.

By the time he was old enough to go on his identity-finding journey, he'd become withdrawn, a shell of the person he once was and wearing the exterior of what he presumed a young king should be, as soon he'd have to take the role of his kingdom's monarch, and a king had only so many acceptable emotions from what he learned from the manipulative royal court.

Returning from his identity trial, he was finally ready for the kingdom's biggest celebration; The Day of Connection.

Whether he was truly ready for such a feat or not was unfortunately not his decision to make. This was an age-old kingdom tradition. Unlike usual monocracy style coronations, the Anima kingdom celebrated their god and new king in a special way. The only way for a new king to be officially recognized was to undergo a magical public ceremony where the 5 heads of the Anima kingdom's coven gathered and used their blood magic to connect the new king with the entire kingdom, thus, binding the king's emotions to that of the kingdom's. Meaning, any time he makes eye contact with anyone of blood tied to his kingdom, he can feel their emotions, whether it be sharing in their turmoil, pride, rage, anything, he would be able to feel it. The rationale for this tradition was that, should the king ever lose his way, he can reconnect with his people.. When they come to him seeking his aid, he can look them in the eyes and make a connection that no one else can to share in the importance of whatever endeavor they face. A king who truly understands his people.

Wolfgang feared this day, he feared what it meant for him. There'd been rumors his father didn't perish, but instead, took the opportunity to flee because he couldn't handle his forced role as king anymore. Wolfgang didn't want to believe his father could be a coward.. Yet, he buried all those fears down deep inside. There would be no room for them soon enough. There wouldn't be room for anything of his anymore, be it his thoughts, fears, any emotion. This was what he was made for, and one should not doubt the gods, right?

He accepted his place among the center of his trusted coven, the crowd screaming out to him in excitement and glory, Wolfgang simply bowing his head as he accepted the power he already felt beginning to engulf him. It felt like a thick fog, coiling around his body, consuming him for everything he once was and everything he could have been... His last words as the scared young bean he used to be were, "Guide me, father.." before the fog of emotions all came crashing in. 

When he awoke, he was king.

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