


30 days, 3 hours ago

Basic Info




Unknown. estimated to be 17 in dragon years


Rather fond of her studies, visually able to see her excitement at a new discovery. She tends to keep secrets safe, whether they are from another dragon or her own.


Still appears as frequently as it did before, but is hardly EVER to appear as bad as it did before.


Is using it as her house currently, but still hasn't learnt her lesson whenever the curse with the golden decals appears and still goes back there.


Backstory: He is an animus, and happened to be born into a fairly rich family. Him being young he didn't understand the concept of money and his parents didn't care so they let him do mostly anything. The moment his parents realized he was an animus was when he started putting an extreme amount of his studying time into learning about them, and one of his favorite stories was about albatross. He realized that he might've not been the only animus after hearing Darkstalker's legends that were spreading around his small town in the sea kingdom, and soon his parents started pressuring him into keep enchanting things to protect their wealth, rather then make more money appear to avoid suspicion. Afraid of what this was doing to his soul, he enchanted herself to always be an animus, but instead of her losing his soul it would grow more trees, agriculture, etc. where it is needed in the rain kingdom. He chose this, because he had a friend RainWing that he snuck out of his town to see then his parents restricted him from seeing them. He doesn't understand how to "properly" use his powers otherwise, but when he uses them he considers himself the smartest animus of all time. A throwback that came with all the wealth protection spells he had to keep making for her parents soon started to have affect on him, and before he was able to stop it himself, irreversible gold decals spread across his horns and some scales. luckily he caught it before it was major, but now he wants to stray as far away from his hometown as possible.


-The gold decals were like a curse, it nearly brought the level of his parents love to wealth to him instead. A partial reason for this is because he still wanted to see his parents recognize and look at all the money he has now, and it brings a large portion of greed to him. He does manage to stop himself from constantly fantasizing about all this wealth he can just summon to herself, but each time he does start fantasizing it chips away at his soul instead. Each golden decal did happen to worsen the affect on it though. 

-When he escaped his parents house and the town in general, he had to first leave the gates of the town first. Guards outside of his house tried stopping him, but as he attempted to fly away he crashed into the tree above. He caught his jaw on the branches, and he was speaking as she flew off, which meant for him to get the scratches on his mouth, and he unluckily scratched her eye in the panic of the moment to the point it scarred, leaving the left eye blind. He immediately fixed his eye since it was hard to fly straight and he needed to see if there was anyone else chasing after him. The guards tended to be faster on their feet then him and he practiced swimming lots when he was younger to beat all the other kids in his school in races, so he dove into the water. In the ocean he swam as fast as he could to the tunnel that he'd take to escape to see the RainWing, but after all his parents found out about it before and shoved driftwood into the tunnel to prevent him from going in there. Since the date of when he was caught he hadn't been since so he plunged straight into the tunnel. Luckily at this point the guards had lost his trail, but he got tangled by the wood and it scratched him terribly. Immediately he way unable to see, being blinded once more. He would've healed himself fully, but since he had already cured himself from the blindness prior he didn't want to risk even more gold decals even though he stopped them from appearing again out of fear. He enchanted himself to have the strength to push the branch aside without causing anymore harm on his body, but only healed his blindness rather then all the scars.

-The moment he escaped the decals took initiative again, causing him to only think of wealth once more, making his brain wonder if he should just go back. He wandered his way over to the sand kingdom, somehow the curse of the decals lasting the longest now that it ever has. In his state of mind, he enchanted his necklace of oysters that created her own "safety realm" type thing, his exact phrasing when enchanting it being: "I enchant this necklace so that each time I am in a 50 meter radius it will open a door through the sand, closing off when I enter, bringing me to a realm of whatever I can imagine will come true. Nobody will be able to enter or leave unless they are holding this necklace, and from a distance it won't even have an appearance. Inside the sand dome it will be like an oasis, whenever I imagine something I wish to have, it will promptly appear in front of me. No matter where I happen to be, I can tap it three times and ask it to lead me to the entrance, showing a path visually that only I can see, but giving a light tug in the direction it is needed to go for others". Unfortunately this was his least thought out plan in a more common sense, because this was his only place of safety when the curse of the decals started acting up. This sabotaged his plan, because more and more wealth kept appearing in front of him, driving him every little bit more insane. For a long period of time he'd hide himself in the dome, not even needing to come out because he built a city of his own through one of the passageways. He even created a fake sky, the room almost illuminating like he was outside in real time. It was like this room was trying to keep him contained, until one day one dragon got too close to the entrance of the dome. Although he hid it very well he constantly heard their talons stepping out above him, which then drove him out of the dome and "accidentally" appeared out of thin air, but it was almost like the breath of fresh air is what he needed to calm the curse. He now maintains himself much more and is able to leave and enter the dome much more freely, and even though it took him some heart he managed to get rid of the wealth that he summoned and tried to live more freely.