Basic Info






Male (ftm)






July 7


Age: 29

Gender/pronouns: He/Him (ftm)

Species: Human/Snifit

family: No known family

Friends: No close friends

Arvi is a very stealthy and quiet Snifit, he really enjoys starting conflict between other minions within Bowsers castle. Besides other snifits and a select few of shy guys, he does not like the rest of Bowsers troop, always has a bone to pick with the koopa troop, the goombas and si on. Arvi doesn't talk much but he goes around trying to blackmail whoever he can whether it be with genuine information or not. He enjoys causing issues but hates when anyone tries to start issues with him and gets all defensive. He has a very short temper, getting annoyed very easily. Arvi is very talkative and a completely different guy around those he loves and cares about. He freaks others out the most with his ability to seemingly appear out of nowhere. 

Arvi did not want to be a part of Bowsers castle, he certainly did not want to become a minion for him, but due to circumstances and being denied at other places, he had no choice. He was quick to know who he did and didn't like, and he made it very clear that those he did not like...he DOES NOT like. He has always been a skilled fighter, being ranked right below the toughest of the Snifits. He used his strength for evil, which for the troop is kind of what they aim for, but Arvi tends to start fights with other troop members, which is not the most ideal. The only thing he really enjoys is visiting various areas when he is sent out on missions, enjoying deserts, jungles and seaside's the most. Due to sensory issues and hatred of feeling fabric on any of his scars, he rarely wears any sort of shirt or tops, but occasionally might wear a loose cloak over his shoulders, or even rarely an oversized shirt or jacket. He is obsessed with drama and trouble, being one to cause many other troop members to be kicked out wrongfully. Arvi gets away with a lot due to his manipulation, he can easily make himself out to be innocent. The one's he loves most will always vouch for him since they see a truer side of him and they wish he would stop with his bad tendencies and just work as a wonderful fighter, but he does not listen. His close friends fear that he will someday be kicked out and they try their hardest to prevent that from happening. Arvi is a big enjoyer of testing cause and effect also, which only makes his desires to do harmful things stronger just for the thrill of it, but at the same time acts as a kind innocent boy that would do no harm. His personality is very unpredictable, causing those he grows close to, to always abandon him eventually.


  • He has always been a very picky eater

  • It is hard to tell when he is being genuine or not

  • The best advice is to never be around him when he is angry and upset, he is always inconsolable and will lash out.

  • Really wants pets but knows he would not take care of them

  • Arvi does want to be a better person, but he does not know where to begin.

  • His hair is naturally black, but he has always dyed it a deep green

  • Most of his scars are from the other person trying to defend themself and less so from actually wanting to attack Arvi

  • His top surgery scars blend with his other scars, he tries to hide the fact he is transgender.

  • He practices fighting moves whenever he sees them in movies.

Voice Claim: TDB

Song: TBD