Calanthe's Comments

I would love to adopt her!!!

Name: Calanthe
Pronouns: she/her
Personality: I feel like she would be a young Batling- maybe 5 to 8- very sweet but "bratty" at times. I always have to sit on new characters for a bit but these are just my initial vibes!

She's all yours! I'll transfer her now. ^^

I'm glad you already have some initial vibes for her; it always takes me some time to think about it too.

Thank you so much! I'm excited to be able to make some Batlings of my own soon as well so she can have some friends 💛

Ooooh I love seeing other people make Batlings! XD

The visual design guide is a little outdated atm so I'd suggest referring to the written guide for the current design rules.
I recently removed/relaxed a bunch of things regarding wings so be sure to check it out. :)

If you have any questions you can message on here or pop it in the discord group chat. We also love to see sneak peek/wips on discord too. ;)

Awesome, thank you!!