


1 month, 8 days ago


Level: 60s

Last seen in: Zafaria

School: Fire

- Age: 24

- Last Name: Unknown

- Ethnicity: White, country or world of origin unknown

- Personality:

- Strengths: Strong wizard, willing to allow others in battles, can be funny, willing to overlook mistakes

- Weaknesses: Rude, short temper, quick to retreat to solitude, unwilling to help new wizards

- Quirks: Known to sell his pets for cheap; pets found lost or in trash cans, has a propensity to throw them away. Always has droopy eyes, seems incredibly relaxed no matter what.

- Favorites:

- Drink: Prebiotic soda

- Color: Red

- Music Genre: Country and military marches

- Food: Tuna sashimi

- Backstory: Mysterious disappearance, emerged changed from Dragonspyre, name changed from Alex Titanstrider

- Relationships:

- Headmaster Ambrose is worried for him, while also terrified he is crawling down a dark path.

- Dalia hardly hears from him anymore and is similarly worried.

- Former friend Hannah Firestrider, who has not seen him in years.

- Former duo friend, an Ice wizard whose name is unknown, has also been missing for several years.

- Political Status: Best left undisclosed

In a realm where magic crackles like restless lightning, there strides Nikolai, once known as the enigmatic Alex Titanstrider. His tale weaves through the shadows of Dragonspyre, where secrets are forged in the fiery depths of the arcane.

Once a vibrant soul, he reveled in the camaraderie of the Spiral, but then vanished into the veils of time, leaving only whispers in his wake. For years, he lingered, a ghost in the hallowed halls of Ravenwood, until his return shattered expectations. Draped in obsidian hues of military might, Nikolai emerged, a phoenix reborn from the embers of his former self.

Gone was the jovial facade, replaced by a shroud of mystery that cloaked him like a midnight mantle. Some say he delved too deep, grasping secrets forbidden to mortal minds. Others whisper of clandestine alliances with powers unseen, veiled in the haze of conspiracy.

Yet, as he strides forth, flames licking at his fingertips, there's an aura of unstoppable determination, a resolve unyielding in the face of uncertainty. And as the tendrils of his past unfurl, revealing but glimpses of his true intentions, one thing remains certain: Nikolai's journey has only just begun, and the mysteries that shroud him are but the prelude to greater revelations yet to come.