


1 month, 1 day ago



HOPELESS ROMANTIC NEET (living off of disability.) She has Agoraphobia/Epilepsy with focal aware seizures! Causing her to freeze and fall(if shes walking)..mostly hurting herself but mostly she can go back what she's doing after it's over. 

stress mostly causes them


22 yo

scent - Plum

skinny or can have chub id c

cis women omnisexual


cheerful…mostly carefree. 

despite her being very “friendly”, she isn't exactly the most empathetic or open minded person and is incredibly gatekeeping when it comes to her interests and will often ramble to people about their lack of knowledge on certain subjects...MOSTLY IF YOU CRITICIZE IT.

She gets angry as quick as you can blink, but calms down just as fast

she likes cats  her online users

  • Katlardfac3
  • Rabieskitgul
  • swaukyfeli9

She rarely leaves the house due to being afraid that her old friends will see her, despite having moved. She could easily improve herself, but she needs a little bit of motivation.…but when she does leave its usual just a little…🤥

she is extremely chronically online. she is online message boards. She is kinda toxic but only online, irl she's too sociallypoopoo to be mean, just a very shy awkward girl. (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)

 she is obsessed with them and wants to actually be his partner with an avid interest in romanticizing the pirated show she watches of him. HAS ALOT of his merch her room is like a shrine it’s crazy. Even has the image sealed that she has of him at a meet and greet..which she almost cried infront of him…

SHES NOT A YANDERE OR WHATEVER…she most has a really deep hyperfication over him…"hyperfixation so bad if someone insults it and I consider suicide"