


5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Aileen (at least that's what she says it is)






1/4 Mexican 3/4 White




Stealing, killing for fun, horses, winning


Men (especially proud men), other vampires, being shown up, cowards


Short Summary:

Aileen was the leader of an infamous band of female outlaws in the mid 1800s, just for the drama of it all. The band wrought havoc for years until eventually the law caught up to them and Aileen was killed in a hail of gunfire. But that wasn't the end for her as she rose again, this time as a vampire. Aileen had a rotten core even before the change, and she quickly grew to love her unlife. She cut her hair and cut her ties with the remainder of her crew and went solo, terrorizing the west for decades.

Now in the modern age, she's just a bitch who drifts from town to town, seducing women and killing their boyfriends. She has girlfriends in every state except Hawaii!


Aileen is cold and uncaring, she enjoys seeing people suffer and often drags out her kills or kills in excess just for sick kicks. Aileen has not formed a strong connection with anyone since her original outlaw group, but she does have a certain tenderness when it comes to her many girlfriends across the States. Although she is mainly more interested in the thrill of seduction and the fun of sex, she does like to make sure her girls are well cared for. Sometimes this means killing the people that have wronged them and sometimes it means leaving them with a hefty chunk of change before she moves on to the next town, but her motivation is more out of wanting to build up a reputation that keeps people talking, than out of the goodness of her own heart. Aileen is nomadic by nature and enjoys playing the role of mysterious stranger but there are some girlfriends Aileen will visit periodically over the course of several years, or even several decades.

If Aileen isn't spending the night with a woman, she greatly prefers her own solitude and she almost never likes to spend her time in the company of other vampires. She finds them obnoxious and hates having to share territory and split kills. She isn’t afraid to fight other vampires to the death, but she knows when an enemy is out of her league it’s best to back down and take off.

Above all else, Aileen wants to be known. She wants to become a legend, something townsfolk tell disbelieving travelers about, a whisper on the wind. She misses the wanted posters and ransoms so she wants to become an urban legend instead, one that strikes fear into the hearts of men for generations.