Toyhouse acc purge's Comments

ur arts rlkly pretty!!!  :D culd u specify an amtn? 

thank you!! i could doo ... 1-2 fulls each?

hey!! are you interested instead in anyone in my account? i cant guarantee ill trade anyone outside of my shop and tent folder, but i will consider most of my less tentative ocs!!

oh omg i forgot to reply to u im sorrsroy djcbb i can accept the art unless ud prefer trade !(i can look thru)

id love for a trade to be considered, but if you see nobody i can do art!

i liekd these critters! ,
i could trade both for either one ! 

5 Replies

Hii, I like a few of your characters!!
Would anyone from my Up for offers + Limbo folders interest you? :>

would you take two hbs for this adopt?

examples here!

yeah!!  r these guys drawable for u? :D n

yaay i totes could!! ^o^ ill get started asap

finished both and sent them over 😁😁

got!! tysm :D ill send a transfer rn!

awesome yaay!! 🎉

thankz have a good day!! ^o^

Would you do snap for Minerva and plaz for mink? ^^ (if not that’s alr!)


Sweet! I’ll send them over soon! :3

Sent them both! You can send over mink and Minerva whenever you get the chance! <3

i shall send em over tomorrow (few hrs basically) and accept the transfers afterward since am abt to go sleep !! :D

1 Replies i liked dis critter!

I could do them! 

oki!! ill send dan over!

oh yeah i forgot i gotta ask r u a minor or adult cuz dan has nsfw art!! incase i need to delete it

I'm a adult lol

oki!! just ahd to make  sure cuz i never knew lmao sending rn!!

oh that is alot omg  i wanna check trades w u first since   i think thats the easier bti and then discuss which ocs and art n stuff after if dat works!  i just gotta know whos offlimits trade wise and i can look :D

Im reorganizing my folders at the moment but my ufo folder and for offer tag are a safe bet for trades My eo folder was just made so it doesn't have all the characters in there that it should yet

went thru tag! liked these!!,,,,,  lmk incase anyones like someone u wulkd not wanna trade n then i can list  da ones im ok w trading fyi out of the ones you liste dyou liked from me im decently tent with: repose, zephyr, persistence, strike, vinyl  everybody else is free game in terms of both art and trade!    also some that you listed are freebies which i can send to u in a bit!"

Yea i can do those guys ^.^ just treat them good lol

are there any specific ocs from the list ud want like for them or shuld i just throw from the start and just match the count? 

7 Replies

Would you take art for either of these two? Not sure what would be a good amount to offer since idk their worths ><

the first was obtained via trade so no set value so anything goes for em !
sarah is worth around 15 usd! 


How much art would you be wanting for these two? Could also do characters^

you can offer trade if ud like! (ud have to let me know offlimits)

art wise im looking for sum similar in value! matucana is worth 25, zephyr has no set value as it was a trade  so thats ones up for offers i guess! (fyi am alittle more tnet with zeph !)

I can do anything outside my Truesona, Story, or a few mains (depends on who)

Can do around 3 halfbodues also? Depends on how much you think is fair plus how busy I am in the next few days