


1 month, 13 days ago


Sverifa is a Tanker


  • Name: Sverifa
  • Gender: Female
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Blood Type: A+
  • Age: 28 years
  • Species: Tanker
  • Element: Psychic
  • Orientation: Heterosexual
  • Nicknames: Rifa. Sve.

  • Homeland: Woods of the Unknown
  • Classification: Young Adult
  • Rank: Scholar / Witch (kind of)
  • Height: 165cm
  • Weight: 25kg

Sverifa is an oddity to her species, being that she enjoys being alone for the most part and is one of the only Tanker to be seen outside of her homeland. However, she gathers information that she brings back, though she doesn’t share all of the information she and Freyr have discovered. Regardless, she is very protective of the things she loves, her research and Freyr, and while she doesn’t like fighting, she will fight those who threaten her. Sverifa enjoys observing others and getting a good read on an individual in that manner, and while she doubts her judgement and times, Freyr shows great respect for her and her decisions so she ends up a lot more confident. There are many times that Sverifa tries to act more confident than she feels and ends up biting off more than she can chew, but she always means well and has been able to form friendships with many different species.
Sverifa isn't that isolated as she travels around a lot, especially with Freyr by her side. She tends to try and keep Freyr in check since she hates when they get kicked out of towns, but would never tell him that she appreciates his love for her and not wanting any Aldinian to insult her. She has also gotten used to verbally expressing her affection and love for Freyr the longer they spend time together. Sverifa does also try to remain peaceful in the towns they visit, offering some knowledge in exchange for shelter. Unlike the rest of her species, Sverifa worships all Gods that she knows about, some she doesn't know enough information on and therefore does not worship them.


Sverifa has all the moves and abilities of her species.

Telekinesis, Psychic Manipulation, Psychic Waves, Eye Beams

Hypnosis, Illusion, Mind Exchange, Mind Control


  • Elemental Power: 10/10
  • Physical Power: 3/10
  • Elemental Defence: 7/10
  • Physical Defence: 2/10
  • Stamina: 7/10
  • Speed (land): 1/10
  • Speed (air): 6/10


Sverifa comes from a medium sized society, raised alongside her clutchmates. She was always more adventurous than her siblings and far more daring, though quite enjoyed being holed up and looking through books about the world. Sverifa is loyal to all the Gods, that she knows of, and didn't end up getting the full indoctrination treatment like the rest of her species. This was helpful when she became a scholar and given permission to travel beyond the lands of her homeland.
     At some point, Sverifa came across Freyr while he was bleeding out and she nursed him back to life. He unofficially became her Thrall once the got used to each other to allow Freyr to enter the Woods of the Unknown freely, even though she doesn't have him under mind control. Freyr is very respectful and keeps to himself when in the territory anyway, so if anyone knows they don't consider him a threat.

Parents - Unknown
Siblings - Unknown

Mate - Freyr

Likes: Research. Rare flowers.

Dislikes: TBA

Fears: TBA


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: N/A
  • Quote: N/A

  • One of my first Aldinnheim fcs
  • She loves rare types of flowers, which Freyr goes out of his way to find for her