


1 month, 10 days ago


Freyr is a Lofti


  • Name: Freyr (Born Ushin)
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Blood Type: B+
  • Age: 28 years
  • Species: Lofti
  • Element: Wind
  • Orientation: Pansexual
  • Nicknames: Frey

  • Homeland: Storm Lands
  • Classification: Young Adult
  • Rank: Exile / Scholar 
  • Height: 170cm
  • Weight: 30kg

Freyr is very unlike his species, as he raised himself pretty much as soon as he fledged. However, he is proud and noble, wishing to do the right thing no matter how hard it may be and will stand his ground, flaring his wings out at an attempt of intimidation. While he can come off as really flirty, it is a front as he often exaggerates this part of himself, being very soft and gentle when just alone with Sverifa. He is scared of other Lofti and will avoid them at all costs. Freyr very much still resembles the Lofti of the past, before the Storm Tribe, which has allowed elders and other older adults of other species to be more welcoming of him despite being a Lofti. 
Being with Sverifa, Freyr can be quite protective and quick to fight, though he is rarely the one to start fights. He enjoys alcohol but often struggles with being able to handle it, but he does his best to not put more pressure on Sverifa because of his actions. He is secretive about his past, with only Sverifa knowing about it, and seems to absolutely hate his family, even swearing that he'll kill his father the next time he sees him. Freyr remains quite honourable and respectful, following laws of the lands he enters. He is technically Sverifa's Thrall but only when within the Woods of the Unknown, giving him permission to enter the lands. However, he is almost never under any mind control unless absolutely necessary as he also trusts Sverifa to not make him do anything that he wouldn't. Freyr tends to hide a lot of his emotions.


Freyr has all the moves and abilities of his species.

Wing Strike, Gust, Twister, Dive Bomb

Storm Surge, Flock Mentality, Call of the Nine Winds, Eagle's Eye


  • Elemental Power: 5/10
  • Physical Power: 4/10
  • Elemental Defence: 5/10
  • Physical Defence: 2/10
  • Stamina: 8/10
  • Speed (land): 1/10
  • Speed (air): 10/10

Freyr was born with the name "Ushin" but he changed it to Freyr upon leaving the Storm Lands.
     Freyr had an extremely rough childhood. Having the sunset trait and only one pair of wings, his father had wanted to kill him, though his mother protected him from this fate. Freyr grew up being bullied by his sisters and mistreated by his father, and it got worse as he got older. His mother pulled him from school to protect him from the worse damages other Lofti could do to him, but even she wasn't all that nice. She gave him a lot of tough love and roughed him up a lot but she didn't make him bleed like other Lofti would. Eventually Freyr would leave home but only after getting into a fight with his father. During this confrontation, Freyr would cause his father to almost crash and using his talons almost broke one of his father's wings. After that, he fled the Storm Lands to never return.
     He would get into another fight, leaving him injured where he'd be found and healed by Sverifa. He wound up sticking with her, being curious about her research and the world beyond the Storm Lands and a friendship was soon formed between them, which would turn into something more.

Parents - Alizee (mother). Unknown father
Siblings - Unknown

Mate - Sverifa

Likes: TBA

Dislikes: TBA

Fears: TBA


  • Theme Song: N/A
  • Voice Claim: N/A
  • Quote: N/A

  • One of my first Aldinnheim fcs
  • His birth name comes from “Ushinatta” which is a Japanese term that means ‘lost’ as reference to him having one pair of wings