



Fera (name under construction) is a female Nacteri (a homebrew race by my DM) Wild Magic Sorcerer. Nacteri are bat/cat-like blood drinkers and very nocturnal. Their race is generally viewed as monsters and they have undergone a genocide in the campaign's setting. She's on a quest to reach out to other people, breaking away from her race's reclusive and passive ways, to try and show that the Nacteri are not as monstrous as people make them out to be. Though, she isn't afraid to spill the blood of those who have and continue to hunt down her people... blood for the Blood Goddess after all :)

Her design is based on mourning dresses (because of the circumstances of her race) and the chest section is embroidered with some very simplified shapes to resemble a forest. On each shoulder is a red moon and a mourning veil is attached to the hood that covers the top half of her face when it's worn up.