Rossy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

amoebaleta Global Rules
—————— ❗️Basic TOS stuff ❗️

♡ Do not repost anything of mine without proper credit or asking first! Commercial use is always okay, just credit properly let me know about it c:

♡ Do not edit my art without permission

♡ Co-owns are allowed, but only one profile for the character can exist!!

♡ Re-designs are okay, but please keep the original design visible somewhere + credit the redesigner if big changes are made c:

♡ Do not re-sell the designs for more than what has been spent on them

♡ Do not use my designs in any AI stuff pretty please with a cherry on top 🍒

♡ Bid/ buy responsibly and only if you know you will be able to pay in time. If an incident happens, it’s ok! But if the payment keeps being pushed back, I will cancel the transaction

♡ If you own a character I designed, the only thing I ask is to NOT have any sort of inappropriate ships, explicit content if the character is/ looks underage, or hate speech and stuff like that drawn/ written for them.

—————— If you don’t follow them I’ll be sad so you should follow them thanks 👁️❤️🫵🫵🫵