Amber Archive



1 month, 6 days ago


Amber Archive is a hardy earth pony who used to be an explorer and archeologist akin to Daring Do. Her talent revolves around preserving pieces of history which led to her job as an archivist after her retirement from archeology. Amber retired gracefully a few years after the injruy that took her back leg, wanting to finally settle down permanently somewhere.

She found herself taking over the archivist role at the Maple Hollow Public Library as it seemed like a down to earth job that suited her perfectly. While she tends to spend most of her time in the back of the library working on paperwork and sorting items, she does ocassionally take shifts at the front desk to help ponies find what they're looking for. She is also currently mentoring a young mare named Curio Quest who has dreams of working at a museum eventually one day.

Amber was born to two earth ponies. Her late father, Quire was a retired historian who's talent revolves around documenting the past. Her mother, Agate Artifact is an esteemed professor of archeology at Canterlot University. Her parents heavily instilled a love and appreciation for history in her as she grew up, leading her to get her cutie mark fairly early in her life.