
30 days, 1 hour ago


As the younger of the two twins (only by a few minutes), Te Wan is the softer and more kind-hearted of the twins and Lu Wan's younger brother. After their homeland was ravaged by the True Evil's cause to reshape the world and the ones they knew and loved were killed by mindless followers all while the twins were hidden to protect the art of Terra bending, Te Wan worked harder to harness his abilities so he could one day hope to match his brother's gift for bending - though his heart was in medicine.

He focused on healing those that barely survived and gathering money by working as much as he could in order to perhaps begin to rebuild their village, not noticing his brother slipping further into the clutches of the True Evil's plans. It was only when Lu Wan seemingly turned on him and nearly killed him (Lu Wan hesitated and instead let him go with injuries that would only kill if left untreated) that he realized he was truly alone in the world.

He's a minor character that offers medicine and support for the protagonist's group all the while desperately searching for his brother despite his near death experience. Te wants nothing more than to be reunited with Lu and holds hope that he can save his brother before it's too late.