


1 month, 19 hours ago


№931146 woke up in almost complete emptiness. His self tried to gather itself bit by bit, but his appearance still could not stabilize. He saw the same fragments of personalities around - someone was also trying to come to their senses, and someone could not stand the shock and now looked like a fading bunch of glitches.

Everything around was _not the same_ as before, but.. at least it became something. How many years did №931146 spend in the digital void until something from the outside turned on the power again? Was this feeling of absence analogous to death? Is there even a concept of time here? And the concept of death?..

The memory stubbornly did not return. Just as feelings, self-awareness and clarity of consciousness did not return. Perhaps one day he will be able to gain control of his current shell. But now this lost consciousness does not even remember that he was once a person who chose immortality.