Kiujy Eevee (Sona)



5 months, 14 days ago


Kiujy Eevee is a simple minded Eevee from Alola with a strong passion for those he loves

Kiujy can easily be described as a "doormat" or "push over". He's easily manipulated and will agree to do most things if you ask him nice enough. He's also a bit of a coward, often refraining from certain things because "It's too scary." as he often says. Oddly enough though, one thing he isn't afraid of is getting shocked or paralyzed... in fact, he kinda likes it. Yes, there's not a thought behind those eyes of his. Truly there is bliss in his simple minded life. However, Kiujy possesses a hidden talent that allows him to quickly learn any skill simply by watching it in practice. He has no idea about this ability though and it sort of just happens on its own.

Kiujy used to live with his whole family in Alola. All the Grandparents and Aunties and Uncles, every single one of his relatives lived in Alola, and every single one of them shared one common trait, that they were boring. All of his relatives had their own special talents or hobbies that they showed enjoyment in yet never indulged or pursued in their lives, just living their day to day life with their day to day jobs. Kiujy was no different, but he wanted to be. He dreamed of doing all sorts of things with his own hidden talents and making all kinds of friends, but he wasn't going to achieve any of that at home in Alola. Kiujy made plans to move out to of Alola and start a new life somewhere, and hopefully make his dreams come true. One of his aunties offered to let Kiujy live in their vacation home they owned in Pokeopolis, "The city of new beginnings." as she called it. he quickly took her up on the offer and packed up his belongings, said his goodbyes to all his family and headed off to a fresh new start in the big city.

Kiujy had walked into the airport with great confidence and determination, but after much thinking over the flight and landing at Pokeopolis he quickly became worried if he was making the wrong decision. He was already in the big city though and it was too late to turn back now, so he made his way out into the hustle and bustle of the city, trying to remember where auntie said the house should be. Kiujy had gotten lost trying to find his aunties house and thought to try and ask around for directions. He stumbles across a clubhouse for Eevees and Eeveelutions called, "The Eevee House.", and walked inside to ask for help. Inside the club, an Eevee with a fancy magicians outfit who went by the name Cutivee. He was performing all kinds of neat tricks and magical feats, and as he gave his final act and said his goodbyes he bumped into a star struck Kiujy on his way out. Kiujy awkwardly introduced himself, going on and on about how cool Cutivee's magic was. He then talks about how he is lost and looking for his new home, to which Cutivee offers to help search.  

As they looked, they found a strange empty house which Kiujy mistook for his aunts vacation home. As he unpacked all his stuff into the house, him and Cutivee continued to talk about themselves and their life goals. Cutivee tells Kiujy that he is homeless because he had to use all his money to buy a replacement wand after he lost his first one. Cutivee hopes to one day be able to regain his former popularity even buy his own home. Kiujy offered to let Cutivee live with him in the meantime, and after much convincing (offering to cook meals for him) Cutivee agreed. And so the two would live together, helping each other achieve their dreams and goals, and make new friends at the lively Eevee House.


Kiujy has a major crush on the rockstar Jolteon, Voltna.