


8 years, 4 months ago



"I testify if I die in my sleep"

Basics: Hunter is a guitarist and repairs instruments in his free time. He is generally very chill, but devoted to his craft and to his music above all else. His spirit shows most when he is playing. He is very easy to get along with and nonconfrontational, though talkative when on the topic of song.

Obtained from secondhand seller

No rules given, will not be sold or traded

Drawing notes: Please ignore the dark large dot on the face; the smaller is a piercing. The long claws are required.

"Then know that my life was just a killer dream"

【 Name 】 Hunter 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 28 【 D.o.B. 】 April 18th
【 Alignment 】 Chaotic Good 【 Race 】 Shark-Canine Hybrid
【 Role 】Guitarist and Guitar Maker 【 Theme 】 Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Hunter looks like he fits into the scene scene. With his bright blue dyed fur, large piercings, and intimidating rack of horns, he looks like he'd fit in at just about any rave. His shark fins are adorned with pattern and with piercings, giving him a rocker appearance. He is medium in size and in build, not necessarily strong nor small. His eyes are bright and attentive to the world.


Hunter lives in a modern city. His apartment is downtown, amid all of the hustle and bustle which fuels him. He truly enjoys the chaos and the crowds of the music scenes. If he isn't performing himself, he spends a lot of time at other concerns, enjoying the noise and the music. He loves the atmosphere of the city and cannot imagine living anywhere else; he would find himself too bored.


Hunter is both a guitarist and a guitar teacher. Being a performer is his primary calling; he performs with a variety of bands in concerts a few times a week. He does not sing but has a strong sense for music and for melody, making him a strong guitarist. He always works as a guitar maker and teacher. He'll tune and maintain instruments, sometimes reselling them for clients or teaching other clients. Generally, if it has to do with guitars, he's done it and genuinely enjoys it. The instrument is his greatest love.


Hunter is generally calm by nature. He looks out onto the world with a peaceful outlook, looking to see what happens. He is observant, watching what is happening without getting involved much, but that does not meant that he is passive. Instead, it is simply his nature to watch and participate only where he would like to. Generally, where he would like to participate is music. When it comes to most topics, he prefers to listen rather than speak, and is a follower over a leader. However, music is his world, and it is through music where one truly sees his passion. It brings out the best in him; his brilliance and his spirit.

Hunter is very devoted to his craft. He may not put much energy into other things, but in music, he is deeply involved and tenacious. He will never give up on a problem halfway, always striving for the best solution, whether that be a miracle fix for a guitar he is working on or the best possible riff to enter a song. He is very precise in his music in a way he is not in other situations. Music always puts him in a good mood. He is always hanging around the music scene.

Hunter is easy to talk to. His generally chill attitude and nonconfrontational personality means that he can get along with just about anyone, and he prefers to get along rather than hold grudges. He lives in the moment, not letting the past haunt him or really bother him. Hunter's appearance does not really match his attitude-- while he looks like the most intense rocker, he is in reality kind and calm, a rather lax spirit except when it comes to music. He loves to play on his own or simply sing along with the radio or his iPod.


Hunter grew up in the home of parents with high expectations. His older siblings were all smart, successful, involved in countless activities and sports. Hunter was not. None of the things that interested his siblings interested him. Though he was intelligent, he grew bored of school and did not excel; he tried sports and clubs but never remained committed for long. Though his parents supported him and whatever passing interests he might have had, there was a clear expectation that he find something he was passionate about. However, he had reached high school, and had not found it yet.

That was, until he took a different walk home from his city school to pick up some items from the grocery store and wandered past the secondhand shop. In the front window was a guitar, painted bright blue, Hunter's favorite color. It seemed to be calling him, the bright paint beckoning to purchase the instrument. He used the grocery money to purchase it-- something his parents were not thrilled about at first, until they noticed their son's devotion to learning to play the instrument. For hours every day after school he would lock himself in his room and pluck at the strings, trying to figure it out. He excelled quickly, and soon became a quite skilled player.

After graduating high school, Hunter began seeking a way to make a living off of his music. He began playing back-up guitarist for local bands, substituting in when the regular guitarist was ill or otherwise unable to play in the concert. He was soon recruited by other bands, becoming a performing member of many local groups. He prefers to play in the city rather than tour, but he is hired by all sorts of groups who need a guitarist for concerns or albums. He also started a business repairing guitars as well as teaching the instrument to acquaintances. He truly loves what he does and cannot imagine life without his music.
