


1 month, 5 days ago


GoldenHeart // DF warrior // Genderfluid - Mostly he/him but ocasionally uses she/her // Gay 

Born a kittypet, he was taken into shadowclan as a kit. Ever since he was a young apprentice he was always involved with the darkforest as a trainee and also as a champion of sorts, as there used to be a prophecy about the downfall of the clans wich he was a part of.

Eventually he became shadowclan's deputy due to being a very skilled warrior and had a mate that was the clan's doctor, but his mate was sadly killed, causing GoldenHeart to begin to spiral. He was then responsible for almost destroying all of the five clans with his old group of evil friends as was prophetised many moons ago, only being stopped when starclan send and entire rockslide on top of him so he would stop causing chaos on the forest because they could not tolerate him anymore. 

Now he resides in the darkforest where his favorite activities are now hauting the living (especially the newer generations of shadowclan cats) and hanging out with his new df buddies :)