


1 month, 6 days ago


HawkCatcher // DF Warrior // Cis - He/Him // Bissexual 

Used to be a regular riverclan apprentice, who used to have two friends, one of whom was a young molly who he had a crush on. When his two friends started getting closer and hanging out without him more often, he decided this simply would not do and orchestrated and entire plan to get back at them, that envolved convicing them to go hunt an entire hawk with him, and then killing them both and making it seem like the hawk did it. He then dragged the hawk back to camp, lied about what happened to friends, everyone believed him and then he earned his warrior name HawkCatcher.

Despite the awful things he did it never actually bothered him one bit and as he grew up he mostly forgot about it. Moons after that he found a mate in the clan and they had a litter of kits together. Life was good until the consequences of his actions caught up to him, in the form of the brother of his friends that he killed finding out about it and deciding to avenge his sister by killing HawkCatcher. 

Now in the darkforest he mostly hangs out with his new mate GoldenHeart and the rest of the group, while also watching over his living kits, especially his daughter BlackSheep, who ocasionally comes by the df to visit her step family and train.