


1 month, 5 days ago


Adventurer // DF Resident/Wanderer spirit // Cis - He/him // AroAce

Used to be a Riverclan cat, but never really liked the clans way of living, and neither did his littermates. One day, while they were still apprentices, the three decided to run away and live freely in the forest, and so they did.

They lived together like this for many moons, all the way to when they became adults. But one day, while Adventurer was out gathering some herbs for him and his sibligns, he found an weird looking and acting mouse by the twoleg place border and decided to hunt it. When he took a bite out of it, it tasted awful, so decided it was best to leave it there.

Unknown to him, the mouse was poisoned, and so Adventurer fell extremely ill in just a few days. He tried to heal himself with his herb knowlege from his apprentice days but it was not enough, and by this point he knew no clan would be willing to help him, and neither would starclan. As he grew more and more sick with the passing days, he was visited by two figures who had a weird dark presence, but who surprisingly took pity on him and conforted him about his condition

They spoke to him more and more, telling him tales about the place where they lived, an infinite forest of dark and secrets. When Adventurer had heard of this place as young apprentice it seemed bad, but now he wanted anything but to be alone in his afterlife. He and his siblings had denied starclan, and they were still healty and running around, trying to help him, but he was only growing weaker by the day.

Eventually, he passed. But when he did, instead of wandering around like many spirits of loners like him often did, he chose to walk over to the place he had heard so much about, and meet again with his friends GoldenHeart and HawkCatcher, who despite their dark auras took him in with no hesitation.

Theme: Blood and Bones ft. Gloom Darkheart - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra