


1 month, 6 days ago


NightWalker (Rose) //DF Warrior // Cis - He/Him

Previously know as Rosekit and Rosepaw, he was born in riverclan in a big litter of kits. Since he was born with albinism he was often bullied and judged by his siblings and denmates for not being able to do the same things as others, especially due to he having pretty severe photophobia.

The bullying was especially harsh from one of his brothers, who would often hurt him physically while saying that he was doing this simply to help make him stronger. Because of this, Rose grew up lonely, isolated and with a rapdly growing resentment towards his clan.

He began training in the darkforest shortly after becoming an apprentice, since there was barely any light there it became the perfect place for him to improve his abilities. He was even able to get his warrior name alongside his siblings after catching up in his training, earning the name NighWalker duo to the fact he could only fufill his duties at night.

Once they were all warriors, the brother who once bullied him violently suddently changed his demeanor entirely, and began treating NighWalker normally, as if he hadn't done anything before. This finally made NighWalker's resentment turn into full blown rage, as he began crafting a plan to get back at his brother for all of the years of mistreatment.

He decided that just physically attacking his brother simply wasn't enough, and instead turned to getting rid of every single one of his brothers closest friends, and even his mentor, only to watch him suffer with the losses. Then, to end it all, NighWalker decided to finally attack and kill his brother, on a particularly stormy night. He chased him trought the forest all the way over to an empty field, but before NighWalker was able to jump on him to land the killing blow, he was hit directly on the back by a lightning strike, dying instantly.

Now he resides in the darkforest with the cats that help train him, where he is still as angry as ever.

Theme: Killer - The Hoosiers