


5 years, 9 months ago



Name Rosella
Age Adult
NicknamesRose, Rosie
Species Corvino || Oaser
Gender Female
Sexuality Heterosexual
Pronouns She/her
Occupation Guardian
CLAN | FAMILY name Miritai Clan
Birthplace Oasis
Partner Akisen
Scent Freshly Cut Grass
Voice sample
Weapon | power Daggers
Best friend Kurast, Inka
own familyNone
acquaintance Lumine
mmd Video Watch Here

Physical Description

Long purple hair with fluffy bangs. Purple eyes with black scleras. Tanned skin with lightning tattoos around her eyes. Black and purple gradient horns. Black feathers at the base of her spine. Height 5'1

  • Kind
  • Fiery
  • Strong, Cautious
  • very patient,
  • Easily Embarrassed
  • Teasing
  • She scared of her feathers getting damaged. They are the favourite part of her.
  • She's embarrassed over how small her wings are.
  • She adores making flower crowns for her friends.
  • She doesn't like to fight but will if it means protecting her clan.
  • She's scared of insects.

Rosella was born into the Corvino clan, a breed of bird shifters. At their core they aren't demonic, but after a period of time they can gain demonic powers. The reason for this is simple. The Corvino are born to serve a master, these can be of any species or race, and once they find their chosen the Corvino are tasked with protecting them, becoming their body guards. If they don't find their chosen before the 40th year of their life they start to mutate, giving them demonic looking attributes. They also develop elemental powers, which is chosen at random. Rose wasn't able to find her master, the Corvino were a dying breed and with thousands upon thousands of beings in the world it was impossible for her to find them in time. Once her mutations started she was banished from her clan, deemed unworthy. She started wondering Oasis, eventually she ended up in the neutral zone, and this was was here that she was picked up by a demon called Darnell. He took control of her mind, using her powers for his own gain. One of her missions from Darnell was to assassinate a the leader of a Akisen's clan, on her way back to her homeland she was attacked. She managed to escape her pursuers but in her mad dash to safety she tumbled over the side of a cliff, the trauma to her head and body was severe, her memory of who she was lost.

  • Roses
  • Animals
  • Forests
  • Flying
  • Braiding Aki's Tail
  • Dancing
  • Manipulation
  • Cruelty
  • Harsh Authority
  • Spiders
  • Seeing her friends hurt
  • Abuse to mother nature
  • Physically Fit
  • Heightened Speed
  • Stealthy
  • Quick thinking
  • Can adapt to different climates
  • Easily Swayed
  • Softhearted
  • Weak To Corruption
  • Reckless

Aoki | Friend

Before Rose lost her memory she viewed Aoki as a dear friend. She felt like he was the only person she could trust while surrounded by corruption, not knowing the full extent of the hold Darnell had on him. 

Darnell | Master (Previous)

While Rose was in Darnell's possession she was terrified of him. She constantly fought against the corruption the demon placed in her mind and this battle was her saving grace. If she once again falls into his hands the demon could gain an unbreakable hold on her.

Akisen | Boyfriend/Master

Rose loves Akisen with all her heart. He saved her from certain death and walked her through her new life. When she realized he was the one she was destined to guard she swore her life to him. She protects him from the shadows, ready to jump to his aid if needed. She owes Aki everything, and constantly tries to prove her worth to him. She's completely loyal to him, but she doesn't remember the true meaning of their meeting.

Inka | Friend

Rosella enjoys spending time with Inka, making flower crowns for them and helping maintain their mane/tail.