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Hello it is I once more, would I be able to claim two slots again rofl


sent message on Discord which I'm pretty sure you saw thank you!

Hello can I claim 2 slots? 

Sorry just saw the payment options were only cash app and PayPal! Your art is beautiful! 


Hello! Could I claim one of these slots? :o

Yes just send what you want!!

Thank you! I'd love a headshot of Theodorus here, he's really cheery and sweet - if he could have his hoodie/t-shirt on I'd also love that if possible! Personality-wise he's really peppy and cheerful, because. Electric leopard.

Hi! i finished if you have discord i can send you the watermarked version until payment!

Oh hey that's great! I'm .membis on discord - Can I do friends and family paypal for you?


Edit: nvm I didn't realize it was Cashapp only, sorry! ;;

Paypal is if you can do it through friends and family ^^

Ohhh yes! Of course!!

Awesome! Do you want payment now or after the sketch?

After sketch!

1 Replies

Hello I finished! I can send you a watermarked image until payment through Discord if you have that?

Yeah! My discord is cassiv if you'd like to message me!

Could i get a headshot of this guy?

Yes! I will let you know when i have the sketch done.

Got a sketch done if you have somewhere i can show you?

if youre alright with discord i could be sent it there! my user is the same as here (toranu)