


1 month, 5 days ago



Alice Smirnova 






transwoman, polysexual questioning, unlabeled 


white, russian 


unknown, possible PTSD, possible ADHD 


Alice is a local university student, Eugeniy's friend and love interest. Just like Eugeniy, Alice is highly interested in paranormal and as the story goes she joins him on his journey of observing all mystical things, creatures and places of their town.


Alice is a humanization of the word "chill". She is calm, friendly and free-spirited, is often joking around and loves having fun with friends, easily gets along with people due to her kindness and charisma. She is helpful, understanding, empathetic and caring, never ignores when someone needs help and will always interfere to protect someone who can't stand up for themselves. She is honest, brave, optimistic and enthusiastic, openly speaks her mind, always looking for adventures. Alice can hardly be called agressive, maybe just a little hot-tempered, especially when she sees things that triggers her, such as injustice and violence towards the helpless. She treats people like they treat her, and if they are being disrespectful to her - she will act the same way. She has strong leadership qualities, but is not strict to other people and way more strict to herself. Alice doesn't demand perfection from the others and will gladly help if they are struggling with something, but she does demand perfection from herself and if something doesn't go according to her plan - she starts panicking, because she feels like if she fails - no one will be there to help her. She appears quite confident, like someone who doesn't care what others think of her, but Alice actually often criticizes herself and under the facade of person with a high confidence - there is a person with a shattered self-esteem, a person who belittles herself and considers every one of her achievements to be "not good enough". Alice almost never got to feel important because of the way her parents raised and treated her, and when someone sincerely compliments her or what she does - she is always very surprised by that, because she almost never felt valid and "good enough" for her own family, and it's surprising for her that other people make her feel like she's important. Alice is sincere with people, but she rarely talks about her problems even with those who she trusts, because she doesn't want to "be a burden" to them. She is supportive and protective of those who she loves, but Alice never expects that anyone will protect her from the things that hurt and scare her, so she just keeps being strong and patient, hoping that one day she will be able to fix her problems all by herself. Alice can act silly, but she will be serious when the situation demands it. She is also smart and fearless, a person who will always find a way out of any situation. She is selfless and is ready to sacrifice herself for the people she cares about, considering their safety to be more important than her own. Alice prefers to stay honest and she always stays true to her morals, but she may lie when the situation demand it. It's hard to call her vindictive, but she may hold grudges for a quite long time is someone seriously hurt her, but she often doesn't show it openly and keeps quiet about it. She highly likely wouldn't try to get revenge in such situations and will rather stop communicating with this person, cut them out of their life and avoid them every way possible. Though she does forgive people for simple things quite quickly, you still need to prove that you learned from your mistakes through your actions in order to fully gain her trust again. She is a dreamer, but she is also very stubborn and always works hard to make her dreams come true instead of sitting and expecting everything to happen on it's own.


One of her main hobbies is writing stories with her own characters. She also loves making accessories and clothes


• Aurora - Cure for me


• She liked to draw when she was younger, but she abandoned this craft due to her "weird drawings" being one of the reasons why her parents put her in a mental hospital.

• She hates when people call her by her surname and prefers just being called by her name, because her surname causes associations with her abusive family and she wants to change it in the future.

• Alice doesn't really know who she wants to be in a future: maybe a writer, maybe a paranormal researcher or a journalist, or maybe a fashion designer... She's still figuring things out.

• Alice loves space aesthetic and have a lot of space themed things herself.

• Her favourite colours are peach and pink (obviously).

• Her favourite animals are sheeps and chinchillas, but she also adores reptiles and sometimes dreams about having a snake when she moves away from her parents.

• She loves everything that is sparkly and shiny.