


29 days, 14 hours ago

Basic Info


Archie, King of Spades

He/Him - Bunnib

"If you could just sign here..."

First and foremost, Archie is a bastard. His specialty is in writing long-winded contracts and suspiciously-worded terms and conditions. This work has made him careful with his own words- he refuses to commit to any one path, and remains frustratingly evasive and wishy-washy when it comes to any facet of his personal life. Should he say something with any ounce of sincerity, you can assume it's a lie he's constructed to act as a shield between himself and the outside world.

He's full of himself, and unwilling to accept anybody else in his life. He can bear only the most casual flings, temporary stays, and surface-level friendships. Archie's happy to get to know any number of people, and is not above flirting and playing around- however, he's quick to flee at any indication of strong feelings. He's always on the move, hopping from one luxury to the next. His only long-lasting relationship is that with his summoner- who is more of an employer than a close friend.

He's not awful to get along with, commitment issues aside. He's friendly and sociable, seeing every new face as a networking opportunity or somebody to sell to. And sell to you he will- he's in the business of trading favors, offering help or cash loans in exchange for a signature on one of his many contracts. He's almost certaintly using his acquired signatures for forgery, and you run the risk of credit cards being taken out in your name, but, eh, what can you do?

Archie (Full name Archibald, but you'd never hear him say it) has had a tendency to get himself in trouble from the very beginning. His summoner was (and is!) an unsavory type- a scammer, a fraudster, a conman, whatever you'd like to call him. A gambling man with an unfair winning streak, Archie's summoner is in the business of solving problems of his own creation. He drags people into crippling debt with his almost-certainly-cheated games, and sells eye-watering loans and shady agreements to his desparate clients.

Archie was brought on to improve the contracts his summoner drafted up, and soon graduated to writing them on his own. He's his boss's right-hand-man, but that doesn't mean he's on equal footing with the guy. A series of card games and a fair bit of blackmail has left Archie hopelessly indebted to his summoner, to the point that he's taken on additional work to supplement his garnished income. He's an accomplice to criminal activity, and can't seem to get out of the hole he's dug himself into. His job as a contract drafter certainly hasn't made him any allies among his boss's other debtors, either.

...Not that Archie would let anybody know about half of this. He tells a different story to those who don't know him. In his retelling, he's his own boss, doing what he does not out of necessity but out of a love for the job.. He doesn't let anybody get too close, out of fear of them seeing past his lies.

  • Archie loves games of chance. Dice games, cards, et cetera. However, he has awful luck, and refuses to admit it.
  • He loves chocolate (especially chocolate-covered fruits or chocolate with fruit filling).
  • If you take him out to dinner he will not pay I am sorry. He'll eat the most expensive thing and then leave when you're not looking.

Species Notes

Design Notes

  • Can be drawn in any red/black formalwear
  • Both legs are symmetrical
  • Has a lil goatee, sideburns, and ear tufts
  • Ink in legs can be low/part empty

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Code by RogueIdea