$5's Comments

I offered art on a different adopt but I can also do stuff for them!! Or a combined bigger piece for the both of them ^_^

Yeah I could trade both of them for a group piece! Shipart or maybe my sona with a friends sona?

Sure I could totally do that!!!! JJust link the characters!!

These two together? If they’re too hard lmk https://toyhou.se/13848998.hayley https://toyhou.se/23482847.pommy/27048279.references

hayley is a lot taller than pommy!

Sure I can do them!! Do you have any pose ideas or anything ^_^ what's they're dynamic

Hayley is a very free spirited nature lover and pommy is her feral rascal of a gf they’re very much “someone will die! Of fun!” I love polar opposites as a dynamic. They’re mine and my best friends sonas.

Hi it’s been awhile, are you still interested? If not I’ll put the adopt back up for sale 

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