
1 month, 1 day ago



-29 years old


-Ink Gemmo (Cartoon Version)

-Female (She/Her)

-69cm/ Short and Scrawny (underweight yet somehow strong)

-Cartoon Version: 53cm/ same as above

-Aro ace

-The oldest character I have since 2015


-A goofy, wacky, reckless, adventurous, hot-headed, childish, trouble-making machine

-Has a Robin Hood like mindset where she'll steal from the wealthy and give to the poor

-However, she can be pretty gluttonous due to severely poor living conditions and natural large appetite

-She is...very stupid, like she can't solve basic academic problems, but she's not an imbecile

-She has a knack for playing her mandolin, gambling, dancing, singing, and most what a 1920s-1930s cartoon character would do

-Has a funny British accent since her creator and voice provider was born in the UK, though migrated to the US

-Her off button is destroyed since it's shoved deep in her crushed brain


Cartoon lore
-She didn't have the best childhood, Alex is born an orphan with her mother dying after giving birth and her father abandoning her in the middle of the woods

-She was basically a wild child until being adopted at the age of 17 out of pity, and so begins her trouble-making nature, getting used to proper civilization

-She did make a few friends, but a lot of enemies, especially a prideful farmer

-Generally her cartoons are episodic in nature like any old cartoon, yet they also provided useful advice and enriching entertainment to the underground city of Stonefolk and some Rockafella citizens

Toonmanity lore
-Originally she didn't have sentience, she was just a normal robomo.  Her robot model was bought by a small animation studio in celebration of the successful Alex cartoons at a cheap price like the rest of the other robot models to form a swing band

-An incident occur in XX-XX-2028 where all of the animators were slaughtered by government officials from both cities due to accidentally uncovering forbidden information from the world and the underground's official purpose...

-Three years have passed, and with a blend of radiation drops and some unknown anomaly possessing the lifeless, corpse-stuffed machine, Alex finally woke up with sentience.  Her adventure finally begins.



-Hit & Run
-Out of my Mind
-Bad Apple
-Swinging Man
-The Wanderer
-Play with Fire

Anything with swing, jazz, and many of their subgenres


Voice Canons:

English-TBA (For now, me as temporary)
Japanese-Atsumi Tanezaki or Ikue Otani